[hr][center][h1][i]I N V E S T I G A T I O N[/i][/h1][/center][hr] The first thing everyone did was look at the Monokuma file. The victim was Faith, who died due to strangulation. the only notable marks on her body were the ones on her neck, but the monokuma file confirmed there were traces of MONO-SNOOZ in her system. A "common" sleep aid that can be found in everyone's medicine cabinet Jezebel's room was quickly investigated to see what might have happened. The door in particular was closely observed. There was a small peice of tape stuck to the bottom of it. Furthermore, the door has a standard door knob that needs to be turned in order to open. The door has a solid lock to keep intruders out, but it does open from the inside, even while locked. There was also a dinner scene set up. The room had a table with two chairs set up in it, one of which Faith had been seated on. There was also a knife taped to the underside of the table. Closer inspection revealed the knife to be a prop blade. It sinks all the way into the hilt, and the blade itself was made out of chrome covered plastic. Otherwise, it was hard to find much else out at this location. The trap location where a cabinet came down and nearly crushed someone was also investigated. The cabbinet had been loaded up with heavy tools and rigged to fall when tripping a wire. There was some fishing line going from an eyebolt on the top corner of the dresser through another eye bolt which tied off at a final eye bolt across the bottom of the stairs. This created a potentially deadly trap that nearly cost the infinites their lives. Lastly, there was the bottle of MONO-SNOOZ in the break room where Jezebel was found. Before any other evidence could be collected, Monokuma commanded everyone to go to roller coaster and take that familiar trip into the courtroom. [hr][center][h3][i]TRIAL IS IN SESSION[/i][/h3][h1][i]A L L R I S E[/i][/h1][/center][hr]