[center][hr][hr] [h1][color=0080ff]Niah Bautista[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/iQrARFe4PkWt2/giphy.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [color=0080ff]Location:[/color]The Hub (Round two) - San Fransisco: March 5th, 1984 [color=0080ff]Skills:[/color] N/A [hr][/center] Niah blinked at Strange's explanation. Was this something she thought she could pull off? Not really. She had needed the whole group's help. But there they were minutes before Flynn had killed Pym standing in the entrance to the Hub. She saw Agent Carter, not Roman, walking past talking with Stark again. And there was the little red cat, Goose. She looked at Dr. Strange frowned and said to the group. [color=0080ff]"I, uh need to use the restroom."[/color] She bolted off running. Hoping they would think she was running for the restroom and that time travel had upset her stomach or something. She had no idea if that would work. Niah knew the path to Pym's office though, and she headed directly for it. She didn't bother knocking, though she did avoid stepping on the ants. [color=0080ff]"Listen here Pym."[/color] Not a great start. She took a deep breath. [color=0080ff]"My name is Niah Bautista. I'm from the future. We used Ultron to retrieve people from the quantum realm and it went crazy and took over the world. You need to stop it. Also, there are other people from the future and two of them want to kill you, but I at least have a head start on them."[/color] She put her hand on her forehead. She sounded insane. There was no way Pym would believe her. [color=0080ff]"I don't have time for you to argue. There is something wrong with Ultron's code.[/color] She didn't want to bring up Stark, but she knew that's what he was thinking that this was some joke from Stark. Recalling what Susan had said she modified it a bit. [color=0080ff]"In the future, not just you and your family are killed but thousands of others. Are you going to risk that I'm not serious? Or are you willing to at least try to stop this catastrophe."[/color]