[center][h2]Tamari Ordo[/h2][/center] My hand comes down on Jude's shoulder and grips it; [i]hard[/i]. "While you are in our care, you WILL treat her well, or I will put my bes'kad through your heart myself. The only reason I do not uphold Manda'lor's alliance with HJ at this moment is because of the emotion that drives it and the glory to be found in my people thinking they do this at Manda'lor's behest without interference from her love interest. If you do ANYTHING to endanger that, well," I release my grip as I turn to head back towards the hotel, "your father will be the least of your concerns." I stop and look at the girl. "As for Manda'lor's wrath, I do not fear it as she trusts my judgement. Remember that, [i]handmaiden[/i]." I bite off the last word with a touch of venom and continue on.