A pout came over her face as she huffed at her mate, [color=#FFE58F]”Excuse me sir, I’ll have you know that I always find something useful. Even if it isn’t always in the strictest sense. Everything is useful to someone, somewhere.”[/color] She reached up, bopping him on the nose with an outstretched finger, [color=#FFE58F]”Bad boy.”[/color] She immediate clutched his arm, wrapping her arms around it and holding it tight. [color=#FFE58F]”But [i]my[/i] bad boy!”[/color] As they strode through Shirogane, she stopped occasionally at various shops. At first it was mostly sampling desserts, but then the shops started getting increasingly esoteric. She stopped at one small shop, browsing their herbal remedies. Waving her mate over, she picked up a pinch of some herbs, [color=#FFE58F]”I’ve never seen some of these before…”[/color] Giving it a tentative sniff, she retched, dropping it back in the bin, [color=#FFE58F]”Eurgh! By the Twelve, I’d hope that’s curative. It’ll put someone out of their misery either way.”[/color]