[b]Atlanta, Georgia - Pastor Grady -- Pastor Grady’s Church, Televised Speech [/b] Grady had announced that he had a message to the general public of Atlanta following the police station bombing that had occured two to three hours ago. Camera’s had gathered, and others who wanted to hear his message. As the pastor who was leading “The Remainng” movement as it had been dubbed by the public, there was interest attracted in what he had to say. Grady stepped forward to the microphone, a solemn look on his face showing he was both tired & saddened by the recent events & violence. “Good afternoon ladies & gentlemen, although there’s hardly anything particularly GOOD about this afternoon in Atlanta. I am here to announce a message I believe God has delivered to me. These Empowered beings are not good. They are objectively a menace to society, after being deep in prayer I’ve come to a solution I believe was bestowed upon me regarding this plague that is the Empowered individuals.” Grady had a harsh tone towards these beings, although he’d even met some personally nothing would be able to change the message he was about to deliver. “The Empowered are of the Devil! My son has served the Atlanta Police Department for the past ten years, and although like me he missed God’s rapturing of the true believers, I believe those that have returned to earth are not only evil but are not human. I have a strong belief, a convinction that those that returned from the those vaporized are DEMONS! Taking the form of former friends & loved one’s, wielding demonic powers to lead us astray. Mark my words these beings will finagle their way into positions of power, financial, political, even celbratory.. “Grady stopped to look into the crowd. There were many murmurs, and his message was being broadcasted to even more teleivison and radio programs then usual. He’d instructed the church to project this message to as many people as possible, including the church’s youtube page & the Remaining youtube page. “WE MUST STAND TOGETHER & UNITED! We are in the end days, The Devil himself will walk the earth soon in physical form if he hasn’t already! I’ve heard that Governor Ivy is trying to force hospitals, schools & other establishments not to “Discrminate” against these monsters.” Grady made sure to put emphasis on the word discriminate including a harsh tone of sarcasm. “ DO NOT LET THEM IN YOUR HOMES! Do not let them partake in education with your children! Do not allow them in your food establishments! These are demons, from the pits of hell, with the appearance of true believers who were taken into God’s kingdom early spared this hell on earth for their devotion to Jesus, our lord & savior. WE MUST STAND AGAINST THIS EVIL! THE EMPOWERED do not gain their powers from heaven, but from Hell! FIGHT AGAINST THIS EMPOWERED FIGHT!!!!!” Grady screamed out on the verge of tears, his son’s death from the police bombing fresh on his mind, and a major influence on his speech.