[img]http://7desktopthemes.com/images/universe-wallpaper-1920x1080-wallpaper-4.jpg[/img] In the year 4058, humanity finally traveled to the stars. The government s created a interesting galactic religion to control the people, way of the goddess. A peaceful religion is popular called Way of the Goddess, this religion is strictly from the Goddess point of view not spoken in silly riddles mystery. It's the year 8960 on the imperial calendar of the holy goddess. Notes: Governments always formed religion to control the people, as to why people think governments wouldn't do it here is stupid. If you don't do religion have your character as a passive person. [color=ec008c][u]The main point[/u][/color] The empires across the universe war for resources fueling their galactic empires across the stars. Several alien civilizations have been found, the teenagers train for war fight in war as early as 16. Males are expected to behave like men gentlemen since ethic school (it's law), women as true ladies since ethic school (it's law). For the past eons, civilizations frowned upon the 20 to 21st century way of life do whatever you want culture. In modern-day for vast eons it's always been about, honor, your house, tradition, strength of your empire, loyalty or face death, maidens being virgins or risk being sold off into slavery or the whore house, if the royal family is upset your entire empire is upset, grooms better be virgins or they risk being sold off as a slave. In this age nuclear are weapons don't mean anything, every nation and empire can render a nuclear weapon completely useless even after the nuke exploded ( by firing a massive particle beam devouring the radiation plus the explosion itself completely within seconds)