[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjE1OC4wYmRiZTAuUW05M2VXNGdSV3h0ZDI5dlpBLCwuMAAAAAAA/aldith.grunge.png[/img] [color=cyan]Time:[/color] Morning [color=cyan]Location:[/color] Forest outside of Domoros [color=cyan]Interactions:[/color] Torvi [@Tae] [/center] Bowyn observed the strange woman with utter confusion. Had she just asked if he was an elf? How ridiculous, did she not see his wings and horns? Was she mocking his words perhaps? His confusion was replaced by amusement however, when she referred to him as a beautiful male. At least this stranger had goods eyes and taste. Although Bowyn was not as vain as some of his kind it had been a long time since he was seen as something other than an outsider. It was difficult to focus on her words as the stranger’s hair transfixed him, there were shiny things that decorated it and they glistened in the sun’s rays. He liked looking at it and he raised his hand wanting to touch it but his fingers simple dangled and waved at the air. Boreas nipped at the side of his ear to draw his attention back and keep his friend from doing anything stupid. Then she began circling him, much like a predator would, and he felt extremely uneasy. With his altered state of consciousness, he saw trails moving behind her as she walked and the ax she held seemed even more threatening than it normally would. She was asking questions too quickly for him to focus on, and waving her weapon at him as she did so. Boreas fed off Bowyn’s unease and in turn began vocalizing, making the distinctive sounds of a threatened merlin. He stretched out his wings in an attempt to make himself appear larger but didn’t reach for his own weapon, Bowyn would rather flee from this warrior than battle. [color=cyan]“You are hostile and off-putting.”[/color] Bowyn said, irritated. [color=cyan]“Is this how your people greet strangers? With the manners of an orc?”[/color] Bowyn asked taking an awkward step back, wanting to stay out of swiping distance from her ax. [color=lightcyan]“Careful, I don’t like this creature.”[/color] Boreas told him, his eyes never leaving the human, his form ready to take flight to defend his friend. [color=cyan]“What is she?”[/color] He whispered to the bird, still unsure having never seen a creature like her before. [color=lightcyan]“What do humans look like?”[/color] Asked Boreas and Bowyn thought back to the silly stories he’d heard as a child of the powerful creatures from another world. Was this why she was so strange? She did not belong here. [color=cyan]“Humans have round ears. They are dangerous.”[/color] He said to the bird in realization. This was the creature Aklenroth was searching for. He thought hard on the questions she had asked him but it was too difficult to remember all of them. [i]What are you?[/i] That one, he remembered, she wanted to know what he was. [color=cyan]“I am Bowyn, a winter fae. You…you let me go and I will not tell Aklenroth that I saw you. I have no desire to speak to the undead tyrant.”[/color] Bowyn promised his voice shaky. His dilated pupils stayed fixed on the ominous ax she held in her hand. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest and, although he tried not to think about it, he kept imagining the ax covered in his blood. Bowyn did not want to die here in the woods, he needed to stay alive so that he could keep [i]her[/i] memory alive. Without him who would remember Aeyrn? She would be so disappointed in him if he died like this. [color=lightcyan]“I will go for her eyes and you can flee.”[/color] Boreas offered. The merlin could sense his friends fear. [color=cyan]“No.”[/color] Bowyn hissed, turning his gaze to the friend on his shoulder. [color=cyan]“Not you too.”[/color] He pleaded, not ready to lose his remaining friend. His only hope now was that this creature was less violent than she seemed as he doubted his ability to take flight and make an escape in the forest with the skaula still in his system.