Big WIP so I don't loose progress, stuff is just in the margines as little notes and everything is/can be subject to change. [hr] [hider=Primarch Voltaire][center][h1]Ozmedron The Void Born[/h1] [img][/img] [b]Appearance:[/b] Neither the largest of his brothers nor particularly the shortest, Ozmedron cuts a mysterious and inscruitable figure. [b]Psyker Status:[/b] Alpha - While [b]Life and Times:[/b] Doesn't HAVE to be amazingly indepth, just an overview on the most important events from their life and a basic bit of background info. This MUST contain their first meeting with The Emperor. [b]Ideology:[/b] How does your Primarch think? What do they want to achieve in the universe? Must include what they think about Aliens and Psykers. [b]Wargear:[/b] Every Primarch is a Demi-God. They are always armed to the teeth with the most cutting edge of weapons. What legendary weapons and armours does yours wield? [b]Other:[/b] Anything that doesn't fit into a specific section, but bare's talking about. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Legion][center][h1]The Bleeding Hearts[/h1] [img][/img][/center] [b]Legion Number:[/b] VII [b]Legion Strength:[/b] [b]Homeworld:[/b] Skethikka [b]Favoured Legion Tactics:[/b] Scorched Earth Tactics, Psychic Shock and Awe, Siege Breaking [b]Legion Leadership:[/b] Of course, the Primarch is at the top, but what specialist leadership positions are there? E.G. The Thousand Sons have the different Cults such as the Corvidae and Pyrae. Just a quick view on how the Legion's leadership is organized. [b]Notable Legion Members:[/b] A few colourful characters that belong to the Legion. [b]Inspirations:[/b] Alchemy, Occult Societies, Knight Errents, and Malitia Service [b]Assigned Armies:[/b] During the Great Crusade, Legions rarely travelled by themselves. They would create armies from those worlds that they conquered to use as shocktroopers or line-holders. Feel free to go nuts with this. [b]Other:[/b] Anything i have forgotten. [/hider]