The rats scurried across the city, scouring the streets for clues. The chaos helped them pass undetected, but it also hindered their activities. Some leads turned out to be accidents brought about by paranoia. Other leads stayed hidden, repulsed by the commotion. Nevertheless, they couldn't afford to let anything go. So many leads and so little time, but at least they had a lot of bodies. One rat passed by the donut store he'd left his mark on. The police were already on the scene, though that wasn't too worrying. They wouldn't get anything by trying to catch Ratman's tail. The mouse moved on. Somewhere else in the city, in the nearby sewers, one rat caught something unexpected. A girl ran through the tunnels, chased by a strange swordsman with a rabbit mask. Ratman had seen the girl on the streets, and he'd heard of the swordsman. Why the latter was chasing the former wasn't immediately obvious, but they couldn't spare much power on finding out. Adrian doubted that it would help him find the answers he was looking for, but he sent a few rats to tail the pair regardless. After all, they couldn't afford to let anything go. At the same time, on another street, a confrontation began between 2 parahumans. One rather large, the other looking homeless. The confrontation was over soon enough, but it had put the homeless man into another confrontation, this time with the police. There wasn't much the rats could do to stop the homeless parahuman's capture; they didn't deal with robots very well, and they didn't have the numbers for that kind of attack in the first place. Still, he was sure he knew where they were headed, and he had a mind to follow them. When the car arrived at the facility, the rats had already arrived. Adrian remembered the place when he was alive. He'd never been inside, but he knew about it. About half of the swarm had settled in the nearby area, hiding whever they could. The other half remained in the rest of the city, still searching. The swarm had been watching the facility for a while, as they knew it was a place where lots of parahumans went in and not many came out of. Nevertheless, they'd never entered before. Security was always tight, after all, and not even a rat could enter unnoticed. This time, then, they would send in a handful of rats instead. The van entered the facility and its occupants emerged, dragging their prisoner into the facility. Unbenownst to them, the rats shadowed their movements. They moved only when their marks moved, making as little noise as they possibly could. As soon as they were inside the threshold, the rats scattered, dividing their forces. It was time to see what exactly was inside the facility.