[Center][h2] Jorg Sucal[/h2][/center] I sit in the bedchamber attached to my office in Presidential Palace. My eyes are closed, and I am reaching out through the Force to sense the world around me; the world at war. I can feel the deaths occurring on both sides. Mandalorians and Republic Soldiers die every minute. Deep down inside me, I can feel Darth Traya’s presence. Her spirit fuels my power and allows me to feel the Force. She does not control my actions though. In fact... she refuses to speak to me anymore, no matter how hard I try to draw her out. She has not yet abandoned me fully, and I will prove myself worthy again soon. A familiar ping in the Force touches my senses. The last time I felt it, it was far away, but now it feels so close I can almost touch it. “Jude.” I whisper. “You have returned to me at last.” END OF SCENE