[b]"Loraya, if you can't continue to use your left hand like we've asked then we have to force you to do it."[/b] A voice said and Lor looked to the elven man speaking. This was a memory, a not so pleasant memory of when she was fourteen years old and her masters were trying to make her the best she could be. Two other elven men had hold of her as she struggled and shook her head. "No, please Master Aego. I'll start using my left hand, I promise." Lor said in a panic as the other warriors moved to place her right hand on the table. She struggled, but they were much stronger than she was. Aego didn't respond to her please, instead going through with smashing her right hand and effectively breaking it. Lor screamed in agony. That's when her eyes slowly opened and she looked around the unfamiliar room, unsure of where she was at first. Then the events of the day before came flooding back to her. She glanced over to the dragon in the room who still seemed to be asleep. It was rather early still, but she couldn't justify trying to fall back asleep. So with that, Lor silently got out of bed. Sure enough the rooms decorations had adjusted to her preferences. It was very similar to her room back in her village. They same room that had been burnt to a crisp when the tyrant king attacked. The sight of it brought her some comfort yet saddened her at the same time as she silently crept out of the room. Her footsteps were silent as she began roaming the halls. She wanted to explore, but she also wished to maybe find some food and look into getting a new set of clothes. [hider=Her room] [img]https://pm1.narvii.com/7270/b282358a594135083f13fc8dc1fdd17a219cee99r1-1200-723v2_hq.jpg[/img] [/hider]