[center][h2]Jerus Je'and[/h2][/center] As expected, HJ's passphrases and codes got us onto the planet with no issue and all Mandalorian units were informed of what we looked like so as to avoid getting us shot, but even though my tracker had lead us to where Jude had left Xan's ship, he and Hayden had already abandoned it by that point. We had gone east from there, positive the pair would do everything they could to avoid the Mandalorians due to Ava's and HJ's relationship, except I knew enough about the clans to know most of them wouldn't approve of it. "They'd have likely gone down a few levels where the fighting isn't as thick. Less chance of being spotted and less chance of Korre getting caught by an artillery blast." I jetpacked down a level while Becca took the lift, my twin blasters searching for signs of trouble. "Plus the street gangs would be a lot easier to scare off right now."