[Center][h2] Becca Twilight [/h2][/center] “From what I hear, a lot of the gangs are joining up with the Mandalorians.” As we walk through the streets, I try to reach out and sense Hayden in the Force, but she is hiding herself well. She knows people are looking for her, and that makes her twice as hard to find. [Center][h2] Xanthippe Naberrie [/h2][/center] I am likewise trying to sense Korre, but it is impossible. “This would have been easier if Zar’kun hadn’t cast that shielding technique on her. At least my necklace only shielded her from enemies.” [Center][h2] Becca Twilight [/h2][/center] “If you can’t sense her than neither can Sucal. That that as a good sign.” [Center][h2] Xanthippe Naberrie [/h2][/center] “It’s not the elder Sucal I’m worried about.”