It wasn’t every day that an Assassin and a Courtesan met, and it wasn’t every day for that Courtesan to ask to bring back a target to her side ALIVE no matter what happened. It peaked the Assassin’s curiosity but she went out, having been paid her due, and went to seek out this wayward sheep that left its hill. It took a couple of days, a lot of veiled threats, and wrong directions for her to finally get to the docks and seek out her target. Wait. Wrong word here, she was quite certain of that since her job was to bring back the girl alive. Goods? Nope. Sounded like she planned on selling the girl. And as her mother had been near the Alabastan palace at one point, that would be a detriment that idea. Then girl. She’d settle on ‘girl’. There were lots of people going to and fro, but it shouldn’t be hard to notice a white curly haired girl in this crowd certainly. “The girl looks exactly like me only younger.” The mother had told the Assassin. So when she spotted a dirty white haired girl surrounded by a crowd doing...tricks...with water, Lexi was understandably very perplexed. These sorts of things she probably learned while watching the other ladies of the night no doubt, but how was...Caitlyn keeping the water as solid as it appeared? It was almost impossible if not for the fact staring right back at the Assassin. [color=0054a6]”Holy stars. She ate a devil fruit.”[/color] Lexi murmured to herself shocked. This catching and apprehending thing might have gotten that much harder to pull off. Especially if she was a Pharmacia now.