[h2]Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] Tyaethe, as ever, looked fairly disgruntled on the way back into the capital. Oh, partly this was due to her own lack of fanciness; a pony and light clothes looked far less impressive than a horse and shining armour. The main reason was, of course, the sun. Angling a parasol to block the dawn light wasn't the most trivial of tasks when threading a horse through streets and a de facto parade. The stares from people that didn't know better and had to ask, just to confirm a centuries old piece of trivia, didn't make it any more comfortable. All in all, the white-haired paladin was happy to be in Candaeln, making a beeline from the front entrance to the sword not far beyond. Such a delicate, beautiful sword... nothing like hers, but one every bit as familiar. Not that it had done anything except sit here in living memory, gathering dust in the metaphorical if not literal sense. It wasn't like there were many people who had a key to open and dust it, but magic was useful like that. "Well, the new captain's made a good enough start, even if it was just some thug with a sword..." she said, using the sword as a stand-in for its wielder whilst giving her report, "Probably an 8 or 9 by the adventurers rankings? Strong for the order with standards as they are, but the only death was a sneak attack. But if they don't get better soon, they'd better hope nobody like us shows up on the other side of a battlefield, Elly." Though, talking to herself or not, Tyaethe [i]was[/i] still within earshot of the door and the courier Jarde was speaking with. [@PaulHaynek][@VitaVitaAR]