[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Xp4S8s8.png[/img][/center][hr] Sister, the voice called out. Ah. That's right. Six wasn't alone. There were more like her. The voice of a boy so familiar... She almost looked out the window to reveal herself. She didn't, though. This wasn't an act of intelligence, strategy, or anything inbetween, however. No. She carried out some of the water held within the riptide in her clothes. The heat that once had been kept in that car had since poured out. Replacing it was the biting chill of snow. Frost had already began to form on her clothes. Fuck, it was cold. Six didn't look out the window simply because she was huddled onto herself trying to keep whatever body heat she could. In fact, when the fat bastard ran his fingers through her wet hair, she didn't even react. That's how cold it was. Too cold to think about spewing the blood she had lapped up earlier. Then her handler called out again. Inside the train, he said. Was that her target? Well, she would make it fast. She didn't want to make it this far then die from the cold. She began to take deep breaths. It wasn't a long distance, but it wasn't short, either. She placed the gun in her waistband after flicking the safety on. Didn't want to shoot herself in the hip, after all. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Deep breath in. Then she kicked off, her body vanishing as it clipped through the seat of the car. As fast as she could without drowning herself, she swam to the snow train. She barely had enough breath left in her. This was what her handler meant, didn't it? She entered the cab, the entirety of her body remaining in the riptide. Quickly, she pulled a knife out of her bag, placing it into her mouth. If the boy used his vision to kill, she would simply need to take away his vision. Quickly, she thrust her arms through where the boy's head would be. Where the boy's eyes met air, her arms erupted out. The boy would be unable to see, as no light was able to pass through skin, flesh, and bone. Then, her head erupted from his back. Swiftly, she moved the knife towards the boy's neck. She stopped suddenly before she could pierce. His voice rang out in her head. [i]Sister.[/i] Her jaw became slack, knife falling onto the floor of the cab. She panted heavily, barely catching her breath. [b]"Open the door! He's blind now!"[/b] She yelled. It was a gamble. She didn't know what the boy was capable of. If she was wrong and the boy could kill merely by sensing that one was there then... Man, Romania really sucked. She'd keep her fingers crossed that she'd go to somewhere nice next time. Bulgaria, for instance.