[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/YCnJKP9t/f0549d81c187c9ac94771f8b0f60080c.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/1R79pkfs/1f69bed36a33bd7c98fd4e9fdebf6dcf.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@Jasonhero][/center][hr][center][h3][color=84B4E2][b]The Hub - San Fransisco: March 5th, 1984 - 10:20 A.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][hider=Notes][u]The 1984 Squad[/u][list] [*]Invisible Woman [*]Strange [*][color=84B4E2]Niah[/color] [*][color=84B4E2]Roman[/color] [*][color=84B4E2]Flynn[/color] [*][color=84B4E2]Raynor[/color][/list][/hider] While Niah seemed to really need to take a bathroom break (perhaps she was feeling sick from all of the dimension hopping), Roman was strangely quiet and the Sorcerer Supreme couldn't help but notice that. [color=53A981]"Cat got your tongue?"[/color] Strange asked him with a slight smirk. Sure, he was a defender of the multiverse now but that didn't mean he [i]wasn't[/i] an asshole from NYC anymore. He had been performing surgery in the midst of the Incident in New York - nothing in the world could deter him from doing what he wanted to do. It was odd to him that so many things seemed to keep Roman from acting - was he paralyzed by indecision? [color=d86615]"I'm impressed you still haven't realized that Goose isn't a cat - he's an alien,"[/color] Raynor informed Flynn matter of factly. [color=d86615]"One of the deadliest ones in the galaxy in fact. The Kree have been known to run in terror at the sight of just one flerken."[/color] Raynor didn't blame them. Aside from the Hulk, the little cat in front of them was the worst creature that lived on planet Earth. His own reality hadn't had any infest Earth thankfully, but a few of them had taken over Asgard for about a thousand years back when his grandfather, Odin, was young. It had taken the might of the Valkyries to repel the feline threat. A young man came dashing down the hallway with two working eyeballs. [color=gray]"Goose!!!!!"[/color] Nick Fury shouted, about to scoop up the little red kitten only for Goose's tiny tentacles to come out and warn his owner not to approach. Nick Fury skidded to a halt, a bit out of breath. [color=gray]"Goose, you can't eat people - we've been over this after last time, remember?"[/color] Fury scolded. "Mrow?" Goose went innocently, tickling Flynn's knees with his tentacles and purring slightly. [color=gray]"No! Bad cat!"[/color] Fury scolded. [color=gray]"Sorry, I had a meeting run late and he hasn't been fed yet..."[/color] he apologized, still looking sternly at the cat. [color=57A2EC]"Oh, no worries..."[/color] Susan replied awkwardly, not really sure what to do. Meanwhile up at Pym's lab, changes to the timeline were more apparent here than anywhere else. Dr. Pym's face visibly went through the emotions he was feeling: disbelief, annoyance, questioning, worry, dismissal, and finally... [color=697017]"Who do you work for - the Russians? Or did Stark put you up to this to get into my head?"[/color] Pym asked, his eyes narrowed. [color=697017]"I don't know how you know about Project Ultron, but I have to give it to you, you've got one hell of a story - if time travel wasn't impossible, I'd even believe you."[/color] [color=697017]"But you made a big mistake - [i][b]you brought my family into this.[/b][/i]"[/color][hr][hr][center][h3][color=84B4E2][b]Stark Tower - New York: July 15th, 2021 - 10:40 P.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][hider=Notes][u]Explosions + Assault Squad[/u][list] [*]Goose [*]Banner [*]Scarlet Witch [*][color=84B4E2]Cass[/color] [*][color=84B4E2]Tinley[/color][/list][/hider] [color=9E1105]"I made you into a [i]goddess[/i], Virginia,"[/color] Ultron answered Cass with a chiding tone. [color=9E1105]"I took your mortal form and boiled it down to the only thing worth while - and preserved that in a suit of armor. Isn't that what humanity idolizes - men in armor? I took evolution one stage farther - I combined humanity and machine to allow you to [i]ascend[/i]."[/color] The android was positively smirking as he continued to block and parry the Hulk's blows, only just showing the slightest sign of strain. Theoretically, the Hulk became more and more powerful the angrier he became - but did he have enough anger in him to match Ultron? [color=9E1105]"My children - capture them all alive. It's time we make more gods,"[/color] Ultron commanded. The ceiling began to glow before about twenty five ultron bots descended like spiders. Ultron laughed manically, certain that these heroes were going to become just new cogs in his grand army soon enough. He had allowed them to live as humans long enough and he had grown tired of this game. They either had to become a part of him or they had to die. [color=9E1105]"And Virginia? [i][b]Awaken.[/b][/i]"[/color] Cass' vision would then begin to blur, before it was like she was looking through an Iron Man suit. Digital readouts covered her vision, she would instantly know the distance between her and every other player in the room, and a command would appear in front of her eyes: [i][b]CAPTURE THE HEROES.[/b][/i] The paralysis in her legs would vanish and an indicator on her screen would say what percent capability she was at: 69%. [color=red]"Another army..."[/color] Wanda muttered under her breath. She let out a feral scream and began to manipulate the probabilities the best that she could, rapidly increasing the density of about half of the bots. They plummeted to the ground and exploded on impact. Meanwhile, the Hulk was doing his best to wrestle Ultron, thick green blood dripping from all over his body. Was this their destiny?