Faced the Darkness in the eye, had he? Rohaan found that to be odd and noteworthy. Most people didn't survive to tell about it unless they were guardsmen, mercenaries, or....well, him. He'd seen a few dwarves that got a kick out of hunting them down, though Rohaan supposed they could be lumped in with 'guardsmen' in their own way. Rohaan lived on the road and sometimes off it; he had to deal with various Dark creatures often enough, and he was well equipped to face them. But this kid was no shapeshifter, no mercenary, and no fully fledged guardsman. Rohaan itched to know the story but he wasn't about to ask it just yet. Patience. They had only just met each other after all, and it was never a good idea to ask too many questions up front. He'd save that for later. Interestingly enough, the boy took up his offer. Rohaan's surprise at this was in no way veiled or disguised; the man blinked at the boy with raised eyebrows. Rohaan had just spelled out every reason he should turn the other way and run, and yet this one decided he was worth sticking around. And without hesitation, too. There had been times in his life when a desperate person would bend the rules a bit to get some help from him in one little thing or another, but they always hummed and hawed about it, squirmed and eventually with some disgust they would agree. But with reluctance and disdain. And while Rohaan liked knowing he at least had useful skills to offer, it was nice for once to be accepted without so much cursing and scowling. He laughed, and it was relaxed and merry. "Alright kid. You got yourself a deal." Rohaan watched Xander go, planted himself at one of the larger tables to ply some local news and some casual chat out of the men there, then eventually retired himself. He had come here for a bed, after all, and boy did he get one. By decent folk's standards it was lumpy and thin, but to him it was like an entire mountain of fluffy down. He slept soundly and heavily until early morning. He meant to sleep in a bit later but someone else was moving about and making enough noise to keep him up, so he left the Inn and did a bit of a walk around the tiny settlement. During this walk, he pilfered a small bag of coin and a slim, small knife, which he brought back to the inn. Rohaan did not, however, use the door. He took note of the fact that the window to the room he reasoned was Xander's was ajar (the nights were getting warmer after all). And, making sure no one was around to see him, he changed shape into a raven and flew up through the window and into the room. The blue-eyed bird hopped from the sill and then shifted into the shape of Rohaan. His hood was off this time, and his shoulder length blonde curls were a bit of a mess where they'd come out of his ponytail in his sleep. And as always, his eyes were bright against his olive-tone skin. Rohaan gave a cheeky grin. "Knock knock. The old man's about to serve breakfast downstairs. And I brought you something." The thief took a sheathed knife, sleek and flat, from his belt and offered it out to Xander. "Dunno if you had a weapon already, but figured even if you did, a hidden one is better than two visible ones. Find a comfortable place to stash that and don't be caught without it, and you'll be alright. Just uh...maybe keep it [I]less[/I] visible until this place is behind you. Wouldn't want someone to confuse you for a thief."