[hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oiSJ6L9.png[/img] [h3][color=f26522]*<:Location:_Onboard_Phantom_Vessel:>* *<:Directive:_Escape_Vessel_(Complete):>*[/color][/h3] [color=f26522][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] [@Zarkun], [@EliteCommander], [@Enalais] [/center] [hr][hr] Samus was solemnly relieved when she found out that they weren't flying out into the vacuum of space. Or as it turned out, it was mitigated by the appearance of another allied member, who'd threw an air-locked shield to stop them from doing so. However, despite what her heroic intentions, her knee-jerk reaction seemed more to be unintentionally in vain than she realized. The bounty hunter glanced over at her distraught allies, seeing Eri snarling at her in discontent. [color=f26522][b][i]"You're welcome."[/i][/b][/color] the bounty hunter mentally replied as she faced the giant hole in front of her. There she could see their getaway ship just outside waiting for them to board with their precious cargo. She would be the second to last to board the [i]Phantom[/i], with the laser-sword wielding bounty hunter being the last person to get on. Still the bounty hunter couldn't help but to glare at the Unggoy, only being shielded by the green visor separating her emotions from reality. Samus considered scolding him for his reckless and oblivious behavior, but it looked like Eri had this taken care of. She just hoped it was enough to prevent him from accidentally killing everyone again. Now heading back to the [i]Resurgence[/i], Samus couldn't wait to tend to her ship, if it hadn't already been repaired yet that is.