Of course the humans were labelled as dangerous and very dangerous. Their equipment probably made their stats go pretty damn high considering they were well-crafted, better crafted than anything they could make that was for sure. The bugbear however was just normal, which tickled him. Rattleskull had probably been Dangerous when they first appeared, but he'd probably be normal now as well if he had been alive. Ardur seemed surprised that humans were here, Steve decided it was best to keep a low profile but hiss regardless, and Mother Slime approached only to be batted aside by the bugbear. Which earned Asura's attention. The two humans could see a familiar emotion in the slimes 'face', rage directed at the bugbear but knowledge that if he moved he'd probably be attacked. Now the humans spoke. Well the boy did anyway. [color=red]"The fuck is a poltergeist?"[/color] He mumbled questioningly to Ardur. He knew what they supposedly were in his world, but video games tended to not show spirits very often unless they were dicks or guides. He'd have to find out later. Well if there [b]was[/b] a later. And now the knight told the group to stay put while the Squire took on the bugbear. The kid had mentioned the Dungeon, so they had been there? Did they clear it? Asura watched the fight, surprised the boy was making such light work of it. But then again, better equipment and tactics. If the goblinoid monster had the same equipment its sheer strength and brutality probably would have destroyed the kid. But today it was the other way around like in most role playing games. The kid talked to the bugbear in a more guttural voice, was that how they sounded? Wait...how were they all understanding all the languages? [color=red]"He called you a stupid human and he's Bear-Ate."[/color] Asura commented from the side as he melted back down into his puddle shape. If you couldn't fight with distractions or people talking to you then go home. Ardur gave a helping hand, Inspiring the kid to finish the fight. A pretty good show, and it let Asura observe how the people here fought. It looked very reckless, but the boy was young. Now attention was turned back to the group, but hands were off weapons at this point. [color=red]"I can talk, he can, the bigger slime has limited speech, and spider can't."[/color] Asura stated as he visibly eyed the knight. A great eyeball looking him over now. [color=red]"Isn't it polite to give your name before requesting anothers, knight? Either way I'm Asura and I serve myself and my little group here."[/color] Asura said while gesturing to the others but also waving Mother Slime to come back to the group. Yes it was probably stupid to cluster up but if the knight wanted them dead he'd have killed them by now.