[h1][color=purple]"Princess" Natalia Periwinkle the Purple [/color][/h1] Princess Natalia Perwinkle the Purple boasted no such fleet as Euromulus Krynne, a fact that she had every intention of rectifying in the immediate future. And so her arrival into the system was a single Iconoclast Destroyer, The Flawless Kaleidoscope, pulling into orbit at a nonthreatening distance from his ship. Natalia was no fool. The ship remained prepared to make a getaway if necessary. But Natalia had quickly bored herself with raids on poorly defended merchant ships. She wanted a taste of real glory. And so she intended to hear out this merchant on his opportunity. Natalia ignored the sounds of her sycophantic "court" on the bridge, vying for her attention through shows of opulence and dedication. By Slaanesh, her first officer Jenkins had shot such a poor wretch in the middle of such a declaration for some percieved slight that Natalia hadn't even noticed. She liked Jenkins. For now. She might kill him later, wasn't quite sure. But for once, her focus was not on the madness of her crew. It was on the planet below, almost entranced. She found the bright color of the atmosphere at once beautiful and terrible. A jewel amongst the stars that had been host to opulence and death; wealth and piracy. This meeting would be no coincidence. It was here. Here her legend would truly be birthed. At once compelled to begin, she raised and fired her bolt pistol straight into the air, drawing the attention of every crew member in the room not otherwise engaged. "Prepare my entourage and shuttle. Announce my coming. With [i]propriety[/i], this time if you please, Astropath. I hear good things about this Krynne. If you do not show him the proper deference I shall present you to him as a gift to torment as he sees fit." Natalia prepared herself for the coming meeting, her servants fitting her into her specially designed armor. While funtionally carapace, the armor had been decorated and adorned to almost seem like she wore a deep indigo gemstone as her armor. Stepping onto her personal shuttle with a small group of bodyguards, and a much larger procession of heralds dug up from the wretches of the lower decks, she began to take off while her own ship broadcasted to Krynne's ship. [i]To the glorious, pristine, and most generous Euromulus Krynne of The Awoken. Her lady, Princess Natalia Perwinkle the Purple, requests the honor and privilege to board your vessel to discuss your concern of a most mutually beneficial business proposition.[/i]