Chihiro was snapped out of her watch by a voice and a feeling. Her disguised form, to anyone particularly observant, seemed to gain a faint immaculate glow as her magic was passively enhanced. She herself only noticed a bit more capability, though she chalked it more up to pre-mission confidence than any sort of unusual person about. Allanon introduced himself first in a dull manner. Seeing it as almost behooving her to make a stronger impact, Chihiro stood and gave a deep and noble bow. "I am Inquisitor Chihiro Aozaki, at your service. I wander here and there making the world a better place, often by simply making problems disappear. Isn't that right, chief?" She gave a cheeky wink to the village chief, knowing she had done just that more than a few times. Kistal introduced himself in a similar manner to Chihiro, though his bow was far more flourished and far less deep. "And I am Kistal. I am from Portea and most commonly work for the Red Saints when I am not making food and alcohol. I make it a point to stop Calabris involvement any time I can." As he bowed to Bidzil, he caught the same feeling as the others, but his nose caught an oddity of scent on the man. He did not smell fully human, but he lacked Beastman characteristics. Something was off about him, so Kistal felt the need to keep a close watch on the man.