Sebastian looks over at his sister and then back at Magdar. The dwarf nods, before walking outside. He straightens, before turning to the room at large. [color=9e0b0f]"Well, our course of action is clear, then. We have to reach the keep before they close the gates."[/color] "What about the other townsfolk?" Linan asks. [color=9e0b0f]"If we come across a group, we'll bring them with us, but that's not a priority."[/color] His eyebrows meet. [color=9e0b0f]"There might be an entire company between here and there. We can't afford to be spotted, and if we are, we can't afford to engage."[/color] [color=fff200]"Coast is clear!"[/color] Magdar calls, despite having walked back to the door. Cassandra walks over to her twin and hugs him. He whispers something in her ear, and she whispers back. The druid then looks over at Rhaeyla, Caw, Surina, Magdar and Vaal. [color=8dc73f]"We... we appreciate all you've done, but truly, if you do not wish to stay, then you must go now. We have reached Greenrest; your job is complete."[/color] Surina shakes her head. [color=00746b]"Maybe it is, but it isn't safe, here. I would bring shame to my clan if I left you now."[/color] Magdar reaches to his belt and takes out his axe. [color=fff200]"And if you don't mind my saying, but there's going to be a lot of fighting tonight, inside a castle or not. That's a speciality of mine."[/color] Cuth stands up, testing how much weight he can put on his injured leg. It seems stable. "Will we be able to keep up with you?" he says, looking at his children. [color=00746b]"I can carry them."[/color] Surina offers. She looks down at them with a smile - somewhat reptilian, but comforting nonetheless. [color=fff200]"And I'll stick with mom and pop."[/color] Magdar adds. Eyes turn to Rhaeyla, Vaal, and Caw.