Gerard nodded as she spoke, though the narrowing of his eyes made it clear that he still had to consciously break down every Japanese word she spoke before fully understanding it. [b]“Ok,”[/b] he said, [b]“I will do that!”[/b] With that, the large man strode right on over to the Storm Pillar. It always confused him how he should address shorter people, especially with Japan’s super big omega respect for seniors, but this time, at least, Gerard chose to do a squat so he was eye to eye (or maybe even shorter) than the renowned master of the Breath of Storm. [b]“Hello Mr. Pillar,”[/b] he spoke, with a slow cadence, the inflections off at some points. [b]“Thank you for hosting the…for meeting everyone in”[/b] The foreigner followed with dipping of his head, the best bow one could do when already squatting. With all formalities done, he smiled at the man, stood up, and walked off to follow Maria out.