Snekart hated waiting. Waiting meant enemies could try to sneak up on you, right back in Snekart's case. And nobody liked gettin' a shiv to the back, especially not Orks. Or, well, it depended on how you did it. A good backstabbing needed to be nice and gory, but still quick enough that you were gone by the time the other enemies turned round. So more of a backgutting, naturally. But obviously, you could just hit all of 'em with a load a dakka, and it'd be way more useful than either method, and also way more fun, as another squad of humies found out partway through the waiting. Boss Gutsnaga eventually brought everyone back to him, when night fell, and came up with a plan. It was a pretty good plan - the humies were in a circle around 'em, so they'd get together and go through 'em. A good, kunnin' strategy. The problem, and what stopped it from being [i]brutally[/i] kunnin', was that it was choppas only, which was a bad idea. The idea was to punch through, right? If he meant actually punching 'em, then choppas made sense, but if it was just to go through the humies quickly, it'd be way faster to shoot 'em when they got in the way. Sneakily, obviously. Snekart really wanted to say something about that, he really did... [hr] In the end, he didn't say anything. Brutality made sense a lot of the time, but the better part of kunnin' was knowing when to get brutal wiv it. Obviously. And obviously, 'aving a go at da Mad Boss because you couldn't use yer 'eavy bolta was not kunnin'. Besides, Gutsnaga [i]was[/i] naturally kunning. He probably knew wot he was doing. Anyway, if they did start getting shot at, Snekart meant to hide behind Kargut and his giant bloody armour until he could get into cover that he could move through, which made sense because they were both green, obviously. Hours passed. They went pretty fast for 'Eadsmakka, because he was used to taking his time when sneakin' round. He figured most of the others might have trouble dealing with the long time spent not killing humies, because obviously krumpin' gits was fun - except Shiv, who was also used to it and a bit slow anyway, and Kargut, who was also used to it. Bein' slow, that was. Naturally. But in any case, after a lot of they wound up near some humies. Finally. And they could even go ahead and shoot 'em down, after all! If they had a silenc... er. Snekart gritted 'is teef so 'ard, one of 'em nearly broke out uv 'is mouf, clenchin' 'is fists until 'is 'ands bled ta stop 'imself from flailin' 'em angrily. [i]Zoggin' bloody 'ell.[/i] Uv all da things 'is 'eavy bolta woz, silent wozn't one of 'em, an' 'e didn't 'ave a zoggin' silencer ta [i]make[/i] it silent, because dat wozn't wot it woz [i]for,[/i] it woz like Gutsnaga woz [i]makin' fun uv 'im[/i] for 'iz [i]zoggin' weapon-[/i] No, no, it woz fine. It was fine. He could deal with it. Work with it. Whilst the others took shots, Snekart could sneak ahead and do the sneaky sort of stabbin'. The kind that wasn't as brutal as a propa krumpin': if you 'ad to, you could get a backstab in quick-like wiv yer 'and over dere face, and sometimes that was enough. Mork didn't always need you to hit 'em so 'ard they went everywhere. Just 'ard enough to make 'em go down, right? Yeah, he could do that. 'Psst. Boss. Permishun ta start guttin' 'em all quiet-like, yeah?' he asked, quiet-like obviously, because they'd hear him if he was loud, obviously. Once he got the permishun, he'd start sneaking ahead, bein' sure ta be extra-quiet so 'e didn't get seen too soon. Normally, he'd unload with the 'eavy bolta, but... no silencer. He'd need to get one a those for next time this happened.