[quote=@Stabby] Suzy: Coolio. Meet you there. *Heads back to Where Samantha is.* [/quote] *Follows* Now, there are some things to know about Ki. Ki has a secret weapon against the other kinds of Imaginary Energy, namely that it can be used to control plasma. To compare it to the other three energies you three have, it's very effective against EE because it can't interact with plasma, a non-organic matter, like it can with Ki itself. So a clash of Ki-infused plasma with stop an equal blast of EE but the plasma will continue on beyond the contact point. Similarly, Spiritual energy cannot interact with Ki, though it can interact with plasma, so an equal blast between them will leave the Ki going to the target. Spirit Energy on the other hand [i]can[/i] interact with both Ki and plasma, so it's the best suited to fight it. However, since all three of you can use Ki, the best response to a Ki-based attack is another Ki-based attack.