Rex thought for a moment. "It's not Zion who should care. It's Jivarn. It's his city after all. He's letting you stay so I don't think he minds." He shook his head. "Much." He heads over to the workstation in the center of the room and points to the map of the known lands. "This is the culmination of my work. Thirteen years of chasing secrets." He showed how it was organized, each pile meticulously placed and organized. The Red showed where undead sightings, the black showed necrotic infestation that he'd been subtly having the Army deal with, though it was slow. "I have a few ideas where the necromancer or lich is. The Western Steppes. It's a veritable Wildlands that no one knows goes to. The Black Dragon Kurogane cursed it several centuries ago. Used to be the height of the Draconian Kingdom... Then well... The Hunters came along." He shook his head. "I've wanted to visit it for a long time but it's dangerous and only a few know how to navigate the region. Elder Zion is one of them." [hr] The blood was rich and heady, immediately filling Vex with energy as if she had fed herself fat on a city of humans. Zion just let her drink. He'd always helped any Kin who needed it. And to see one so young all alone. His protective instinct flared as he decided to take her under his wing. He thanked her for healing him and adjusted his robe. Being fed from was a rather.. Intimate experience, and he had completely forgotten about that part, since Dryder and him hadn't had time to engage in that bonding for nearly a decade. He grunted as he thought back to turning the massive general down when he had propositioned him while in the Capitol. Hopefully they would get their chance soon. He looked down at the fledgling half vampire. "Well, it is my duty as the Eldest to see to the needs of the Kin. Though... I will warn you, my blood will advance a few of your talents. The Fae are quite adaptive so that half of you will be able to make use of it as well." He looked up to the stars. "In truth, you remind me of a young boy I know. He's a halfling, like yourself. His father practically abandoned him in favor of a search that killed him. I led the search to find him, our young King, and have been pushing for his Coronation. It has made me remember the youth I once had long ago and the sorrow of losing the once child I sired. You young ones are the future of our races. It is necessary that we see to your education in order to advance ourselves. I haven't lived as long as I have by being a fool and not investing in the lives of our young ones. I extend an offer of training you, as I once was. I have yet to pass down the Way of the Forest that I have been taught, and I can sense that it would resonate well within you. But only if you seek this knowledge."