Alright, so. Things have admittedly gotten off to a slow start, and we've had a few fumbles. Due to several players dropping for mostly IRL reasons, I have taken the last couple weeks to reassess and make some changes to the cast. Master Bruce, Webboysurf, and Morden Man have bowed out, taking Batman, Hulk, and Fate with them respectively. I am sorry to lose them all as I feel like their characters would have brought something unique to the story, but I am appreciative of their initial interest no matter what and hope they can continue to follow along as an audience. In their place, I will be bringing on [@GreenGrenade] as his Peter Parker/Spider-Man concept that nearly made the initial cuts a month ago. In addition, I also reached out to [@Inkarnate] whose previous apps I liked but felt did not fit the currently established party, and together we worked out a character he was passionate about that does fit: Amaya/Amethyst of Gemworld. For those who are still dedicated to seeing the game through, I thank you. For those who had an interest in following along with the narrative as an audience, I hope this marks the start of a renewed vigor to the game and you'll have many posts to read soon. Let the fun commence... again.