[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xPZoDGJ.jpg[/img] [h2][color=silver]Ferrin Astra[/color][/h2] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OIRQIXv.png[/img][/center] [h2][color=dimgray]???[/color][/h2] [h3]Tenrou Team - The Magi's story: Shadow of the Past [/h3][/center] [center] [sub]Direct interaction: [@MarshiestMallow], [@T2wave], [@CitrusArms][/sub] [hider=Everyone Else] [sub] [@Zarkun] [@YipeeXD] [@Hatakekuro] [@LightningMaiden] [@Lunarlord34] [@Burthstone] [@Silver Fox] [@Demon Shinobi] [@Joshua Tamashii] [/sub] [/hider] [/center] Ferrin held Mavis' gaze. He saw flickers of what she was feeling, her sadness, her pain. Pain reflected in his own gaze, the pain of having all you love taken from you. He broke eye contact first. He was suddenly afraid. Afraid she would see through his confidant golden eyes and arrogant swagger. See the man he had become and be disappointed by what she saw. She might glimpse the anger that drove him. The wild emotions he kept reined in on a tight leash. Cooled and hard on the surface, yet ranging below like old lava. He forced a dry laugh. [color=silver]"Stars, girl! It is like you have forgotten who you are talking to. That you feel you have to ask is almost insulting. Me, getting involved in, and cleaning up, this mess was a forgone conclusion when I decided to come here."[/color] He reached into a pocket and with a flourish, produced an actual silk handkerchief, which he held out to her. [color=silver]"So dry those tears, love, and lets write ourselves a happy ending."[/color] He smiled a smile he didn't feel, slitting the throats of his emotions and burying them deep. He had to be strong. Strong for himself, strong for those around him. The alterative was going mad. He sank down until he was eye level with her. [color=silver]"What must I do?"[/color] [hr] The masked girl said nothing. She turned her face to study the one who had spoken to her first. There was a brief shift of her shoulders that may have been a shrug, but the cloak made it hard to tell. If she was surprised at Ariel's sudden colorshift, she gave no indication. However, she did tilt her head slowly one way, then another. Something about her body language spoke of puzzlement. She leaned in uncomfortably close to Ariel, so close she could hear the figure's breath. She tilter he head again, this time seemingly studying Ariel's face from different angles. She stared a moment longer before both girls could hear her gasp. She suddenly backed off a pace as her hands went up in a feeble point at Ariel. [color=dimgray]"!"[/color] She made a soundless exclamation. [color=dimgray]"!!!"[/color] The two wizards got the distinct impression she was trying to say something, but could not. [color=dimgray]"..!"[/color] She tried again. Her hands fell to her sides as she began to look wildly about, suddenly animated. She dropped to her knees, and started frantically scratching in the sand, making breathy noises somewhere between a whine and a pant. But it was nonsense. Lines and loops, dots and curves haphazardly placed. Here and there were almost recognizable letters, but it was all jibberish. The words wouldn't come. She desperately swept the sand clean and started again. And again. And again. The fourth time, her finger halted above the tossed ground. It began to shake, the girl was trembling. Suddenly in a burst of violence, she started pounding the ground, the frustration practically boiling off her. Disturbingly, the ground began to crack and dust flew up as she struck with superhuman strength. The tantrum lasted several dozen seconds, before she stopped as abruptly as she had begun. She sank back into a sitting position, and from the sobs and sniffles coming from behind the mask, began to cry. Tears dribbled out from behind the eerily serene face. She reminded them of a small child, unable to do simple tasks, and easily frustrated.