[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190802/0616f4a80dda654441ab56364799a64d.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tUlzKPP.jpg?1[/img] "[color=20C192]A date? A date.[/color]"[/center] [hr][sub][right] [b]Location: Food festival [/b] [/right][/sub] [sub][right][b] Interaction: [@Pyxis] [/b][/right][/sub] [sub][right][b] Mentions: [/b][/right][/sub][hr] [indent]"[color=20C192]O-Oh, t-thanks,[/color]" Hoon cleared her throat since she caught herself stuttering again, was she nervous? No, that can’t be- but she definitely was. "[color=20C192]S-Skirts really aren’t my thing, but I thought y-you’d like it.[/color]" Said Aria, a smile forming on her face, she mentally punched herself in the face to stop herself from stuttering, though she doubt that was going to stop soon. Aria was quite surprised when Lilith wrapped her arms around hers, but she did miss having company as close as this, having someone that was really touchy that Hoon was close with was always a win for her. Aria was pretty hungry, Aria had a breakfast sandwich and a lunch sandwich so her diet wasn’t great either. "[color=20C192]You’re not the only one, I had two sandwiches today, they were good but still...[/color]" Said Aria, as she shrugged along with her response, the festival was surprisingly diverse. When Lilith suddenly pulled away, Aria thought she had done something wrong, but Lilith explained that they haven’t been fully acquainted yet, but Aria honestly liked it better than awkwardly standing next to each other. Aria nearly flushed a deep red when Lilith called her warm since Aria was used to being called ice lady because her hands get cold easily, "[color=20C192]I-It’s okay, I uhh... I actually... Uhm... You know, [sub]like it...[/sub][/color]" Aria said meekly, her eyes glancing away from hers now that she’s thoroughly embarrassed herself. Aria opened her arm again, inviting Lilith’s arms to go back where they were. When Lilith asked Aria what she would like to see, Hoon looked around and the first thing that caught her eye was a stall with Korean flags and colours. Suddenly confidence surged through her veins and she grabbed Lilith by the hand and pulled her towards it, she read the sign which was in Korean before turning to Lilith. "[color=20C192]Dude holy shit! I’ve been itchin’ to eat some [i] 치즈 불고기 비빔밥 !(Chiejeu Bulgogi Bibimbap!) ‘Cheesy Spicy Korean Beef with Mixed Rice’[/i][/color]" Aria exclaimed, her accent thickening as she said the food, she then realised that she was not speaking Lilith’s language any more. "[color=20C192]Sorry, it’s uh, spicy beef wth mixed rice, it’s good I swear! If you know, you could handle your spicy food.[/color]" She really wanted Lilith to try it since this was what she ate growing up and she would love it if Lilith liked it. Aria then pulled out her wallet and raised it up to show to Lilith, "[color=20C192]This one’s on me, please like it.[/color]" Said Aria with a smile, though she followed it up with a quick bow when she asked Lilith to like it.[/indent]