[center][h3] [/h3][/center][h3][hr][color=#657499]Branna Naves[/color][/h3][hr][sup][i]Western Street || Lothian Empire: Garleton || Evening[/i][/sup][indent] [/indent][table][row][/row][row][cell] The new bandit proved no more a challenge than his fallen compatriots, and Mors swung around to a halt as Branna surveyed the state of the street. With only one target left and a few too many people to engage him, having Mors try to maneuver inn for a hit would be like encouraging him to tussle over scraps. That the last target appeared to be the leader of the inexperienced crew, though, came second to Branna’s impatience. Urging Mors closer, she smiled, watching the unfortunate, axe-wielding soul look about the motley crew of empire folk and sellswords surrounding him. He seemed to recognize his situation, recognize that there was little he could do except accept his fate, and that prompted a low, raspy laugh from her. With the lordling beside her threatening further burns, she waited, savoring the moment as the others circled in. He struggled, he fought, and he flailed, his eyes gleaming against the now-burning city as he engaged the spear-wielding mercenary again, spittle flying from his mouth. The scene was almost too beautiful, too raw in its sincerity, but the mood was quickly broken by the swordsman, who sprang out from behind with the obvious intent to deliver a final blow. [color=#657499]“Tsk.”[/color] She leaned over to look into Mors’ eye. [color=#657499]“Still hungry?”[/color] The wyvern shook his wings out, the movement rocking Branna but by no means unseating her. [color=#657499]“Hm,”[/color] she hummed, the note cracking as she watched the ongoing battle. Then, hefting her spear, she patted the wyvern, grinning. [color=#657499]“From above,”[/color] she croaked, and Mors’ wingbeats brought them up to diving position. Dead or alive, meat was meat, and the bulky chops of a well-toned fighter were probably the best cuts all day. Hence the dive. [/cell][cell][img]https://i.postimg.cc/RC3pL2vV/branna-final-2.png[/img] [center]_________________________[/center] [color=#657499]Status: [/color]Snagging a choice bite [color=#657499]Class: [/color]Wyvern Flier [color=#657499]Exp: [/color]15 [color=#657499]Inventory:[/color] [list][*]Iron Spear [*]Vulnerary[/list][hider=Stats] [indent][color=#657499]END: [/color]D [color=#657499]STR: [/color]C [color=#657499]MAG: [/color]E [color=#657499]DEX: [/color]D [color=#657499]SPD: [/color]C [color=#657499]DEF: [/color]E [color=#657499]RES: [/color]E [color=#657499]LCK: [/color]D[/indent][/hider][/cell][/row][/table]