Zyriff gave a frown at Alister's mention of cutting Rye's wings up. "I'd rather not start a war between Elves and Werebeasts. Even if he deserves it." He started before he moved to pull a handful of feathers from Rye's Left wing before he threw him out of the room and into a cage. "I need him anyway." He glanced back at Alister before looking away, "I have a Truck, yes." He started, "Come on, we need to get him out of here. The Magic isn't good for his head." Zyriff walked out of the room without another word; moving towards a large grey van parked outside, pulling open the back door and tossed the cage in there. "Play nice if you'd like your wing feathers back." Drake's head rolled slightly, a mumble came from his mouth as he seemed to be slowly waking up. He let out a small groan, [i]"The... They're c...charging from the east."[/i] He mumbled quietly, still not properly conscious, [i]"G...Get awa...y from the cav...e."[/i] He slowly dropped back off into unconsciousness. [hr] Andrew let out a yelp as they landed on the ground, his eyes were shut tightly. He rolled onto his back as he coughed, water spluttering from his mouth. "I shoulda learned to swim." He mumbled quietly. He stayed on the ground for a moment before he jolted upwards, "THE KID." He yelled, moving to scramble onto his feet, falling face first into the ground. "fuck fuck fuck fuck" Jay stayed hidden in the water as he watched the Men that attacked his friends. His deep blue eyes before they deepened into red. He moved and dived under the water, spinning as he did so- gaining more and more water spiralling around him before he coiled upwards and broke the surface of the water as he blasted upwards into the air. His features had changed, he was slightly bigger than his human form, he looked almost shark-like, a fin in between his shoulder blades and a thorny-spiked tail flailing behind him. What Andrew perceived as frills were actually sharp fins, perfect for cutting through the water. [b]"EAT THIS"[/b] He yelled before he slammed the water onto the ground, landing just out of the waters edge in a superhero styled landing.