After listening to the archer's idea, Guard Lady put her balled fist to her own chin. It was indeed a much safer bet to try and burn the rats and not engage a massive group like this with only three people - but at the same time, wasn't that very risky? They'd already plugged their noses with branches, well herself and Steppe Archer - the boy had not done so - and if things were on fire, wouldn't that cause smoke or something that could it dangerous to breathe? Guard Lady wasn't very knowledgeable about things like this, but she knew that if you stood near a campfire for too long and breathed the smoke, it was bad for you. "Could be dangerous." The boy suddenly said, having been quiet for a long while now. The halberdier's head swivelled to look at him surprised. "Fire could spread in ways we don't want. Rats would get spooked too, flee in every direction" He added. "But there's no way we can take on that many with just us." The young womn stated. "Agreed. We should pull back to the surface." The hooded one confirmed the archer's suggestion about leaving. Honestly, it was there best choice. The Guild, or the one who had made this request, had woefully underestimaed both the danger and the sheer difficulty of this quest. There was no way a single group of freshly-out-of-the-oven adventurers could handle this! Maybe if they had a mage or other spellcaasters who could take out large swathes of enemies at once, or at least put them to sleep or soemthing. But with their compisation as it was, there wasn't any safe way for them to handle this task. As such, Guard Lady let out a sigh and nodded. "I think that's for the best too. My carelessness also left me less useful in a scuffle now... I'm sorry, I'll be more careful next time." She said, giving a sheepish, apologetic smile to her two allies. Still, now they had to trek all the way back to the manhole they had entered though. Since it was unlikely their hooded friend could pick a lock from [i]inside[/i] the actual sewer, and upside-down no less... But the coast had been clear last time they were there, so surely it was just a bit of walking and they'd be safely on the surface again. ... And in dire need of baths and clothes-washing...