[@Double] [i]"I'm going to ask this one question of you both. What path do you intend to follow? The Warrior, who fights in earnest? Or the Soldier, who fights in order to blindly follow orders? Think about that question, and think about it long and hard. I won't fight you yet, because I'm not your enemy and I don't think you really believe that either. My brother is my only true enemy, and if he ends up being the only Saiyan I have to fight against then I would consider that a good day."[/i] Tabaga stared at Prince Negi with an unreadable expression on her face for a few moments before finally speaking up. "I won't lie. This isn't how I expected this day to go when I woke up a few hours ago." She said quietly. "I'll help you fight them but I don't want to see innocents caught in the war-zone." She floated closer to Prince Negi and bowed her head towards him. "My name is Tabaga. I don't know that much about this planet to be honest. I just woke up a few hours ago after my attack ball crashed. But what I do know is that our people either have to change or die. There's just not enough of us left to carry on the way we used to." She extended her hands towards the prince. "If you'll have me. I'll help you protect this world."