Carver nodded and leaned against the wall casually. "Long story short, we mixed up a memory-wipe potion, combined it with some fog juice, and dumped it into the fountain. You and I were put on straggler duty in the graveyard, using water balloons to catch anyone who wasn't caught by the main fog in town. Since nobody would remember getting hit, nobody would connect their amnesia with our presence or actions. Shock turned the Halloween count down to zero, and we were going to let everyone think they'd gone scatter-brained and missed Halloween." She narrowed her eyes at him. "But since you [i]wiped your own memory[/i] getting too close to Lillith, you didn't know that, and pointed out the water stains to them. You [i]drew attention[/i] to the fact that they couldn't remember what had happened five minutes prior, meaning there's a reasonable chance they might have realized something was up."