The small fairy nodded methodically, clearly disinterested by whatever sob story Saffron was talking about now. [color=gold][b]"And- and then that fucking $#&*$ Graphite showed up and started making fun of everyone! Even though she never even does raid stuff, all she does is PvP! Who the $#!& does she think she is, talking down to me about $#$# she doesn't know nothing about!"[/b][/color] She yelled before taking another shot of alcohol. "Yep, you sure said it." The fairy looked bored out of her mind as Henry was serving someone else. Why were they even in this backwater world? [color=gold][b]"So you know what I said to her!? I said $#$@ you Graphite!" [/b][/color]Another shot down the hatch. Saffron absolutely loved this new bar, the theme was so unique! Guns mounted all over the wall, yet fairies were taking her order and a guy who looked like a demon was pouring drinks! Wild! And the animatronic skeleton wearing a trenchcoat in the corner was... kinda weird actually but she liked how it's eyes lit up occasionally and it said a witty one liner to nobody. How Saffron was being censored outside the game was beyond anyone's guess, but give HGO technology, it wasn't too far to imagine. More than likely it was by some control of the player's avatar interface that made the set up more realistic than it should have been; just like the strange devil man hologram that looked suspiciously like the Raid Boss that got done kicking people's teeth in. Regardless, no one really batted an eye or questioned the authenticity of their waiters when the matter of their drinks coming on time was more important. Between the beverages and the new HGO update involving zombies, people were quite ecstatic; or in Graphite's case, too involved in their own conversations to care. If Jin had any sense, she might have realized Thea was closer than she thought anyway, probably hearing her conversation over the loud music. Maybe. [color=paleturquoise]"Um, m'am? I think that's enough drinks for you,"[/color] said what was probably the only real [url=]server[/url] in the entire bar. To make this point known, she slowly tried to idle away Jin's now empty glass away from her reach. [color=paleturquoise]"You're also discouraging people from getting to the bar,"[/color] she added, noting a semi-line forming behind the Blue Team's Deputy, none of them wanting to tell her to move but the intent was clear in their annoyed expressions. They also weren't drunk. [color=gold][b]"No no I'm fine! Everything is fiiiiine!"[/b][/color] Jin called out to the server, turning to her with a drunken grin. She blinked twice as she saw the line. [color=gold][b]"...why are you all standing behind me?" [/b][/color]Were all the bar stools filled? Out of the corner of her eye she saw her glass moving away from her, so she leaned over to try and grab it before it slid away. She then proceeded to slide out of her chair and directly onto the ground, her sense of balance absolutely fucked by how hammered she was.[color=gold][b] "Whoa, who took my chair?"[/b][/color] Jin got up shakily, propping herself up on the server so she didn't fall over again. [color=gold][b]"Oh hey there cutie. I didn't see you there. I'm Jin, what's your name?"[/b][/color] She leered at the girl, squinting to try and read her nametag. Nope, shit was way too blurry to read. [color=gold][b]"You should clean that thing up, it's suuuuuuuper blurry."[/b][/color] She giggled, almost stumbling over again. [color=paleturquoise]"Hisako,"[/color] the server said dryly, instantly regretting giving this drunkard her name. With literally all of the other waitresses being the size of her thumb, it was up to the one living girl to assist in carting out a drunken patron. She swiftly scooted the thankfully not shattered cup out of the Deputy's grip, moving aside as the waiting customers hurried themselves to take Jin's place. [color=paleturquoise]"Hey boss, can we get some help here?"[/color] Then she rolled her eyes and sighed. Here she was, asking a hologram like it was her boss-and why the hell was her hologram a boss? How did payment even work when there was no other breathing employees? Whatever. [color=paleturquoise]"Alright, come on you,"[/color] she said, trying to get Jin back to her feet on her own. [color=gold][b]"Hey there Hisako, it's super nice to meet you!"[/b][/color] Jin cheered, following the server out with no objections. Well, she did try to get her glass back but she didn't try that hard.[color=gold][b] "I'm Jin, it's so cool to meet you! Did I say that already?" [/b][/color]They passed by the skeleton just as it said something, she couldn't hear what but she knew it was funny so she laughed super hard. [color=gold][b]"Hey, where are we going Hisako?"[/b][/color] Jin asked as she started to slow down, wondering just why they were walking towards the exit. Was that the exit? [color=gold][b]"Yeah boss, we need some help! You know, you look just like that $#%&#@ who beat everyone up earlier! You should fix that." [/b][/color]Henry rolled his eyes and resumed cleaning another glass, content to let the Server believe it was just drones and automated server robots that poured the drinks. [color=royalblue][b]"Don't worry Hisako, you got this!" [/b][/color]What an advanced AI, it knew her name and responded realistically to her question. Realistically was more like annoyingly, but Hisako didn't expect much help on her first night on the job. As she helped drag Jin to the exit, she couldn't help but notice the mix of people they'd struck out tonight. It was no wonder the place was crowded on its opening night and an assortment of players were all joined. Some of them still wore their simulated avatars, probably to impress and pick up dates. Others were logged out, just like the Deputy she was lugging around. Keeping in another sigh, she passed by a table of one still dressed in their avatar and couldn't help but think he looked like the bar's personal skeleton prop. Actually, it might have been another prop the bar owned for all she knew on this first night. Shrugging, she continued dragging Jin. Jin couldn't help but notice they were heading to the exit, which could really only mean one thing.[color=gold][b] "Ohhh, you wanna go home. Girl, you should've just said so! I'd be happy to keep you some company for a while."[/b][/color] She leered, trying to look seductive but only looking like an even dumber drunk than she was. [color=gold][b]"I'll cover the cab, don't even worry about it. Man Hisako, it's been so long since someone came on to me that I forgot what it was like!"[/b][/color] She laughed, patting her on the back a little too hard as they finally made it outside.[color=gold][b] "H-hey Hisako, could you pull out my phone? It's in my pocket, I can't get it out."[/b][/color] She rubbed her eyes with her free hand, why was everything so blurry? Was her AR chip bugging out or something? Should go look at that in the morning. [color=paleturquoise]"Fine, I guess."[/color] Employees were always told the customer was always right and this was no different for Hisako, unfortunately. That didn't mean she had to be happy about it. Reaching into Jin's pocket and fetching her phone, she swiftly dialed a number for a cab, no intention of actually following the girl. As she did so, she was too distracted to note the pair of eyes watching both girls. Neither would Jin, being in her deluded and drunken state. Once all was said and done, she handed the phone back to Jin, a slight frown on her features. [color=paleturquoise]"Well, if that's all then. Good night, m'am,"[/color] she said before turning back to the bar. The cab came fast, it was a busy night and they were all over the city prowling for their fare. The driver helped Jin in, clearly used to helping out drunks, and she buckled her seatbelt. It took a few tries, but it totally happened. [color=gold][b]"W-wait, hold on."[/b][/color] She hit the button to make the window go up a few times before she finally hit the down button, the glass rolling down so she could stick her head out the window.[color=gold][b] "Later Hisako! I'll see you tomorrow-" [/b][/color]Her face turned green as she threw up all over the sidewalk. The cab pulled away into the night, carrying Jin home where she could pass out in her bed reeking of alcohol.