[center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/24daaba0-49cc-4fa8-b410-40385f60caff/ddhboy0-5355baac-fcee-4f7c-b295-be60d0eda144.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzI0ZGFhYmEwLTQ5Y2MtNGZhOC1iNDEwLTQwMzg1ZjYwY2FmZlwvZGRoYm95MC01MzU1YmFhYy1mY2VlLTRmN2MtYjI5NS1iZTYwZDBlZGExNDQucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.401nf4kKh5IEyiVxzZBAl2A65iGqa-Ez8SSwqOZExWg[/img] [color=#DDDD84]Time - Morning Interactions: [@Salenea][/color][hr][/center] Rory had been turning the unpeeled banana in her hands for some time, staring at it blankly, when a voice interrupted her. "Mind if I join you?" asked a blonde, fairly attractive young man with bright eyes and a plate full of entirely too much food for Rory to comprehend. Of course his breakfast was more appropriate in size, but to Rory it felt like a feast given her own sparce diet. [color=DDDD84][i]Who the fuck is this dimwit?[/i][/color] was Rory's first thought. Her brows furrowed in annoyment as the man didn't wait for a reply, merely sat down and made himself comfortable. Rory's tired eyes were sharp. [color=DDDD84]"Apparently not,"[/color] she bit back, her chapped lips forming a thin line as she placed the banana down on the table with just a little too much force for it to be controlled. The man - Keith, he introduced himself - continued and said he'd seen her around before. Rory didn't much like that, being seen. If she had it her way, no one would even know she was there. Alas, it wasn't up to her. Rory shot a foul look at the man from behind her stringy, damaged hair. She opened her mouth to say something - to sneer, to insult, probably tell him to go fuck himself - but a person in the back of the room caught Rory's attention. The staff member met Rory's eyes steadfastly, shaking his head as if he knew what Rory was thinking. It wasn't too hard to figure out, anyway. Rory grunted, a sound that almost sounded like a hiss coming from her mouth. [color=DDDD84]"Rory. Has it crossed your mind that there might be a reason for why that is?"[/color] Rory answered to Keith's statement, her bony fingers fidgeting the paper mold her blueberry muffin was nestled in. The paper didn't crinkle much, having absorbed some of the grease from the muffin. Soon Rory's fingers began to pick at the edges of the delicious looking muffin, picking out tiny crumb sized pieces and shedding them on the table. She took a breath. Inhale, exhale. [color=DDDD84]"So what's your deal, anyway?"[/color] Rory asked, blunt as ever. She met Keith's eyes with her own, piercing teal against light blue. [color=DDDD84]"You don't look too sick to me,"[/color] she specified with a dry smirk, [color=DDDD84]"nor that deranged. Aside from the fact that you thought I'd be good company, apparently."[/color] Rory didn't remember talking to any resident here as much as she had just talked to this man. She probably had, but not in one go. It felt odd, a tad annoying, and a tiny bit satisfying. She had missed talking to someone, was it that? Not that it would last, it never did. Rory had realised she had quite the skill for driving people away. Maybe she thought she got some sort of high from being rude, but really it was a bittersweet satisfaction that only lasted for that one second. It didn't fill anything, and Rory knew it. She just liked to pretend she didn't care.