[hr][hr] [center][h1]The Blathriin-Va[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [b]Location: Blathriin-Va - Bridge/Transitory Mists.[/b] [center][b]Star Date: Unknown.[/b][/center] [right][b]Communications: N/A.[/b][/right] While the crew of the Va had been in this new universe for several days, they had mostly kept to themselves, only emerging from their ship when it was necessary, such as to pay their income to the Hapan Coalition. The de facto rulers of the mists in which they now found themselves. Though not everyone onboard agreed with paying a tax to such... primitives, they all knew it was far better than potentially attracting an entire fleet of the bastards to their craft simply because they didn't pay their protection fee. And the raids they had to conduct in order to get the funds with which to pay the Hapan gave the crew of the Va something to do when not attending meetings aboard the Resurgence or keeping an eye on the new ships that had suddenly appeared in the mists alongside them, so that was something at least. Though it still didn't give them a way back to where they had come from. Which is, ultimately, what the Cantharians wanted. Even Strevrols, who had suggested they spearhead an invasion of this universe back during their first meeting with the other craft. And, though he detested it, Yiithren knew that underneath the cold logic of his idea, there was a deeper, more understandable reason for his suggestion. That being his family back on Crideria. After all, their people were at war, and any sane male or female of any species would want to have both their mate and offspring by their side during times such as those. So naturally the captain of the Va could understand his engineers desire to bring their people here, but he couldn't allow it. Subjugating or purging an entire galaxy was not their way. Not anymore. Their distant ancestors may have brought the entire galaxy to heel, but they'd paid the price for it, just as their descendants were now, and Yiithren would die before seeing his people stoop to such tyranny again.