[h3]Tokyo, Japan Evening // January 24[/h3] She didn’t understand. This handler of Five’s simply couldn’t understand. She was human. A well built and really rather strong human, but a human nonetheless. She craved normal things, exercise, familial connection, entertainment, money. Five desired none of these things. From Five’s perspective, he was cursed to chase an ever-fleeting pleasure. He had the constant urge to feed. The pleasure diminished each time he fed. By now, as he ate he used the derived pleasure to draw foggy memories of the first time he fed. He could hardly see it now, he vaguely remembered the pleasure he experienced as the irony blood rushed over his tongue and fed his pleasure centers. Now it was a slow creep by comparison as the pleasure coalesced. It was evanescent at best but it filled Five in an otherwise empty and hollow existence. [i]More than my siblings?[/i] Five couldn’t help but think that the others weren’t living up to their potential. He had grown to despise certain humans. He wasn’t sure if Father had built this hunger into him but it was the one thing he detested in an otherwise perfect man. If his father had made him to desire human flesh but had put him in a world where these humans, these cattle, had such a visceral reaction to him feeding, then that was cruel. After some fifty metres or so, Five had began to properly use his feet again. The pain had dissipated to a dull and barely noticeable throb in the back of his head. Manageable. The had pushed through the growing crowd. The density increased as people realized that whatever the threat was, it was gone. Eyelids parted in the back of Five’s neck and a small eye took rapid glances around. Spotting carnage and tens of dead, if not more. More and more police arrived and seemed to be shifting into a rescue operation. Some military types were getting into their vehicles and were on their way out, letting the police do their thing. “The monster that appeared suddenly plowed its way through the evening crowd with three hundred and seven confirmed dead.” The woman on the side of a building was saying to the crowd, describing the disaster they had all just experienced. As she spoke her image was moved to a corner and shrunk as a playback of the event was shown. The clip began showing the large evening crowd. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people were eagerly making their way home or to work. All bumping into each other, the classic Japanese politeness had died when the cities became so ridiculously overcrowded that it was simply impractical. Then, a small gap formed somewhere in the center of the crowd and in seconds the gap was filled with this shadowy mass of unmatter. It rapidly grew into an amorphous blob with several legs holding it up and it began running through the crowd, large tendrils lashing out and tearing into the crowd as they tried to run away. The clip went on for another few minutes and Five couldn't help but wonder what had happened. His mind had gone blank and his body experienced so much sudden pain in every receptor that he shut down for several minutes. Now seeing the result, Five couldn’t help but feel fear. Father would be furious. If it hadn’t been for the handler, he might have been captured. Five would need to control himself in the future. Perhaps the handler was right. His view of the video was cut off as they passed into an alley and Five was sat against a wall. He wasn’t sure what their next move would be but he knew that he wasn’t going like his immediate future. He had lost contact with the handler and he had just killed hundreds, not counting the tens of people he’d eaten in the last few days. Humans were so irrational when it came to other members of their species.