Alan Walker would be lying if he said his life had been an easy one. Now, he wasn't ignorant enough to think he had it worse than countless other people in the world. After all, he had a Mom who loved and cared about him with all her heart, a nice home, food on the table, and he had a job he actually enjoyed. That said, the road to get here had been less than ideal, thanks in no small part to a certain deadbeat father. However, in recent times, things looked to be finally going their way and the future was looking why was he currently lying in a hospital bed? [i]Oh right, the university... [/i]Alan sighed as he stared up at the ceiling and let his memories come back. This whole situation had started out so innocently too. He'd set up shop outside of one of the local universities, hoping to make a quick buck and then treat his Mom to dinner to help her unwind after working so hard at her new job. However, that's when he saw the people running and before he had a chance to find out what was going on, that wall of colored mist had totally engulfed him. Almost immediately, he fell faint and collapsed to the ground coughing and hacking up blood. The last thing he remembered before everything went black were men in hazmat suits approaching him with at least one saying something to him. It came out kinda muffled but it sounded like the man was trying to reassure him that everything would be ok.... What a load of fertilizer that promise turned out to be. The next few days were anything but "ok" unless your definition of it was drifting in and out of consciousness constantly, coughing up blood and mucus, having parts of your body flare up like they had touched the surface of a hot stove, and a dozen other things that were better off not being described here. Long story short, it was a truly miserable time, with the only thing getting him through was the thought of seeing his Mom one more time. That's when things got...strange. Just when it felt like he had reached his limits...the misery stopped and he felt...fine. Better than fine actually. He glanced around the room only to realize something very important: His glasses were gone...and yet he had perfect vision.