[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190802/0616f4a80dda654441ab56364799a64d.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tUlzKPP.jpg?1[/img] "[color=20C192]Forget about it.[/color]"[/center] [hr][sub][right] [b]Location: Food festival [/b] [/right][/sub] [sub][right][b] Interaction: [@Pyxis] [/b][/right][/sub] [sub][right][b] Mentions: [/b][/right][/sub][hr] [indent]As Lilith put her phone by Aria, Hoon immediately started inputting both her twitter handle (HoonHoonTwit) and her Instagram handle (HoonHoonPic). Aria, for so reason, decided to repeat Lilith's last name in her head, almost like she was implanting it in her head so she doesn't forget. It has been since Aria has done this, well probably because Hoon's range of friends have been pretty limited. She knows a lot of people but their names do not stand out at all. As her instagram loaded, Aria immediately saw her instagram pics, she had forgotten that most of her pictures didn't even show her face but instead showed cigarettes, her music equipment, and food. The few pics that showed her face were usually group photos or Aria feeling really happy that day. There was a selfie that was taken the night of the swan songs monday music night, she looked really happy in that one. Though her twitter is practically the opposite, her tweets seem to just be about smoking, drinking, and cooking, with the occasional shit post between the posts. "[color=20C192]There, if I tweet about jumping out of my apartment window, don't worry because I can't.[/color]" Hoon joked, were those the type of jokes to be made in dates? Hoon didn't know, it's been awhile. Aria noticed that Lilith has avoided the work question, and being Aria, she thought she was prying too much, and those usually lead to one of the issues Hoon seems to have. When Lilith offered to share her music with all of her friends, Aria immediately flinched before flushing a light pink, "[color=20C192]Y-You don't have to, I can get by, I-I mean, I have been for awhile now.[/color]" Said Aria, as she immediately covered her the lower half of her face with her phone. As they ate, if people were to compare Aria's reaction to Lilith's when eating the spicy food, it was very clear that Hoon doesn't react to spicy at all. She just practically stands there eating without looking like she cares, if it was spicy or not. As they both finished their food, Hoon turned to the taller girl and asked, "[color=20C192]So uh... What are we eating next? There was this cereal thing with shaved milk, boba tea stand I saw when we walked, line was long when I last checked though-... B-but m-maybe you should pick! I-I don't wanna be dragging you around, dates aren't like that, or at least twitter said that's not supposed to be a thing. [/color]" Hoon said, confirming that it was a date in her perspective.[/indent]