[@A Lowly Wretch][@Cerces22][@alexfangtalon] [h3]For everyone that has expressed interest in this RP. Here is the link to the Discord: [url]https://discord.gg/EJn347[/url] Feel free to ask questions and communicate with me via the "Out-of-Character" Discord chatroom. I will be online for the next three hours. Newcomers are welcome. We're only getting started.[/h3] [@A Lowly Wretch]: I know you said you were pulling out of this RP, and that is fine, but since your stated reason was just the real person pictures, I'm tagging you this one last time. (Since, as I said, using real people pictures was only a personal preference for my characters and not a requirement.) If you don't respond to this RP for the rest of the day, I will quit tagging you in all future posts.