[hider=hello darkness my old friend] [center][img] https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi41ZTUwNTAuVTNsc1lYTWdSbmx1LjAA/cenobyte.regular.png[/img] [img] https://external-preview.redd.it/Aw2X-AXnQ1WYVptMcBQOqQIjQNN_rRU9eXlp-nCLa20.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=ca71885aa805e5ec9c1b292ce21c6d21d6e11597 [/img] [color=DarkSlateGray][h3] Sylas Fyn ⋆ 18 ⋆ Male ⋆ Dark Elf[/h3][/color][/center] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [color=DarkSlateGray][u]Appearance[/u][/color] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Height:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=CadetBlue]5’10[/color] [/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Weight:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=CadetBlue]150lbs[/color] [/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Hair Color:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=CadetBlue]Black that fades into ash gray, and white at the tips[/color] [/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Eye Color:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=CadetBlue]Orange embers, burning with intensity[/color] [/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Skin Tone:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=CadetBlue]Pale gray, marred with scars around his left eye, and throughout his torso[/color] [/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Brief Clothes Description:[/b][/color] [indent ] [color=CadetBlue] Black leather boots that reach mid-calf, black trousers, a black shirt, and a long black coat. Sylas is dressed to blend into the shadows. He carries with him a cutlass with a silver hilt, flintlock pistols, and a blunderbuss. [/color] [/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][h3][center] Cold ⋆ Obsessive ⋆ Diligent ⋆ Fervent[/center][/h3][/color] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [color=DarkSlateGray][u]Psychology[/u][/color] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Likes[/b]:[/color] [indent] [color=CadetBlue]⋆Structure ⋆Keeping busy ⋆Battle ⋆The night ⋆Service ⋆A well run ship ⋆Open seas[/color] [/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Dislikes[/b]:[/color] [indent] [color=CadetBlue]⋆Small enclosed spaces or being shackled ⋆ Physical contact ⋆Pirates ⋆Weakness ⋆Cowards ⋆Sleep ⋆Being afraid[/color] [/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Fears:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=CadetBlue]⋆His father ⋆Claustrophobia ⋆Failure[/color][/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=CadetBlue]Straight, a marriage will likely be arranged by his family when the time is right. Until forced to Sylas, tries to keep away from the temptations of the fairer sex. [/color] [/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=CadetBlue] Cold and detached towards others, Sylas speaks very little, he was raised to never speak out of turn and social attachments were seen as weakness. He lives to further the family name, to work hard, and to be strong. Weakness, in his family, was never tolerated, and to Sylas emotions and attachments are weakness. All those who rank above him are treated with respect, his orders are never questioned but simply obeyed. Those who rank below him are given orders and he does not seek out social interacts with the crew, they are all there to work and serve captain and country not to have fun. Raised for service in the navy, Sylas knows his life is disposable, if he must die for Glasston then he will. He was never allowed to indulge in his own desires, and simply has no idea how to be selfish. When given an order he will obey and achieve through any means necessary. In battle he is ruthless, mercy and empathy are weakness to him, and he will not fall prey to weakness. There is no need to protect others of the crew, if they cannot handle themselves in battle then they deserve to fall, unless his orders are otherwise. Sylas exists in a fragile emotional state, although he expects the same calmness and indifference his father always shows of himself, this is difficult for him to achieve. He is constantly hyper aware of his surroundings, struggling to control himself and exude strength. He only allows himself to let loose in battle, to lose control and unleash rage upon his enemies. Fear and anxiety constantly hold him back, fear of weakness and of disappointing others who hold authority over him. Although he may appear brave to others, this is because he was raised with the belief that his own life holds no value until he earns it. His value is based in his ability to serve Glasston, as long as he is a valuable sailor to king and country, he has earned his place. Therefor a coward’s life, one unable to sacrifice and follow orders, holds no value. One day he hopes to achieve the heights his father has, to captain his own ship and at that point he thinks he will truly hold value, until then he exists to be a solider. Raised in a wealthy and aristocratic military family Sylas is well educated but lacks the confidence to think for himself. Structure and orders are all he knows and without that he is lost. He walks with flawless posture, and holds himself with coldness that most find intimidating, this along with his quiet and unfriendly nature is enough to keep most people away. Humor is lost on him, especially sarcasm as Sylas takes things at face value. His energy is certainly weakened by the sun, as a dark elf he is most energized in darkness, but his high endurance allows him to push through in most situations. Sylas does not quit until his body quits for him, during work and in battle. His sanity is questionable, as a man forged by trauma he constantly struggles internally. His value is something he must constantly earn and prove; he puts unreasonably high expectations upon himself and when he does not live up to them, he punishes himself. Sleep does not come easy to him and he suffers from terrible dreams based in what he endured as a child. Sylas keeps himself in a constant state of repression and isolation under the belief that these things will eventually strengthen him. [/color][/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][h3][center]Aristocratic ⋆ Cruel ⋆ Forlorn [/center][/h3][/color] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [color=DarkSlateGray][u]Background[/u][/color] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Occupation[/b][/color] [indent] [color=CadetBlue]Boatswain[/color] [/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Which ship are you on?[/b][/color] [indent] [color=CadetBlue]Avalon Avenger[/color] [/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Living Immediate Family Members:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=CadetBlue]Captain Declan Fyn Lady Arabella Fyn Caspian Fyn Cedric Fyn Lady Silva Fyn [/color] [/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Dead Immediate Family Members:[/b][/color] [indent][color=CadetBlue]None of any importance. [/color][/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Current and Past Lover(s):[/b][/color] [indent] [color=CadetBlue] Love? Don’t be ridiculous. [/color] [/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]History:[/b][/color] [color=CadetBlue]Sylas comes from a wealthy elvish family with impeccable breading, he is the eldest son and thus the highest of expectations were thrust upon him. His father, just like the vast majority of the men in his family, is proud serving member of the Glasston Navy. Sylas has been trained for service since as far back as he can remember, as are his younger twin brothers, Caspian and Cedric. His sister, as the women of his family are, was raised to be a proper lady, and her marriage is to be arranged by their father. Sylas’s family is the picture-perfect image of Glasston aristocracy but as idyllic as his life may have looked to the poor, the reality was much darker. Sylas’s father, Declan, was a cruel and controlling man who placed an enormous amount of pressure and responsibility on a Sylas at a very young age. While his minor indiscretions, such as sneezing when he was to be quiet, poor posture, or setting the dinner table incorrectly, where punished through corporal means, when he truly disappointed his father the naval captain would dream up a variety of mental anguishes for his son to suffer through. Once weakness had been properly beaten out of his son, Declan charged Sylas with punishing the servant’s indiscretions, preparing him to be ready to kill at the drop of a hat should the King require it. Captain Declan Fyn was not raising sons, but training what he believed would be perfect soldiers for the King’s navy. Weakness and emotions were not tolerated, and to be able to survive his upbringing Sylas adapted to this environment. He strived and pushed himself to be something his father could be proud of but has yet to get an inkling of approval from the cold man who raised him. Even at his proudest moment, when Sylas left home, a full-fledged solider of the navy, to serve his first tour, he found nothing but impassive coldness from his father. So, Sylas tried harder, to be a great sailor, he worked hard aboard the first vessel he was stationed at. In battle he found it easier to detach and do what was necessary than many of the other new recruits, he killed without hesitation, truly ruthless in battle finding the one place where he could unleash all his pent-up rage and frustration. He caught the attention of that boat’s first mate, who saw a streak of remarkable cruelty in the boy and trained him in ‘interrogation techniques.’ He worked his way up the ranks until, along the way he was rewarded by his superiors for viciousness and cruelty and so it was that these qualities within him strengthened. He began to enjoy torturing prisoners, they were nothing more than filthy pirates after all, and by the time he returned home from his first tour he was the spitting image of his father. Sylas Fyn had grown from eager and nervous boy into a cold and battle-hardened man. Still he saw no pride in his father’s eyes, there was nothing that man carried about except his own glory, and finally Sylas began to realize the best he could hope for was to not disappoint his father. His obsessive nature made the position of boatswain a good fit for him, he kept meticulous records of supplies, and his rationing abilities often saved his captains a fair amount of coin. While his work aboard vessels was impeccable, he never could bond well with the crew. Sylas did not have much in the way of social skills. He could not relate to other people; he is unable to relax or let his guard down because all of these social traits are things his father would have considered weakness. [/color] [color=DarkSlateGray][h3][center] [color=CadetBlue]Special Ability: Shadow Manipulation ⋆ Main Strength: Endurance ⋆ Main Weakness: Emotional Instability[/color] [/center][/h3][/color] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [color=DarkSlateGray][u]Combat and Magic[/u]:[/color] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Physical Strengths:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=CadetBlue]⋆Strong endurance and agility ⋆Stealth ⋆High pain tolerance[/color][/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Physical Weaknesses:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=CadetBlue]⋆Emotionally unstable ⋆Sensitivity to bright lights ⋆Not much brute strength[/color][/indent] [color=DarkSlateGray][b]Magic or ability (if applicable):[/b][/color] [indent][color=CadetBlue]Shadow manipulation, able to blend himself in with shadows along with enhanced ability to see in darkness.[/color] [/indent][/hider]