[hider=Scarlet Moons Slangs] [list] [*][b]KNB[/b] ([i]Kriffing New Being[/i]) - A fresh, inexperienced and expendable recruit [*][b]Pew-pew[/b] - Blasters [*][b]Nouce[/b] - Short for announcement; a message to all personnel [*][b]Gaffi[/b] - Tusken Raider's gaderffii stick; a poor marksman who resorts to using their blaster as a club [*][b]Cazh[/b] - Casual attire; also refers to members of rare species that are not given proper equipment [*][b]Grav in[/b] - A planetary mission [*][b]Fresher-mesher[/b] - A low-ranking member; often delegated to sanitation duty [*][b]Pood[/b] - Short for poop-food; unappetizing rations (fabricated from recycled feces) [*][b]Nozzle to exhaust[/b] - Maneuvering in tight formation [*][b]Holo-tapper[/b] - A being that works with holographic interfaces; commonly signal or intelligence specialists [*][b]Bacta-pusher[/b] - A medic [*][b]Cutter-chaser[/b] - A technician and/or engineer; nicknamed for how rare and coveted fusioncutters are [*][b]Pryss-hunter[/b] - A demolition expert; originally coined by a recruit from Verig, whom compared destroying AT-ATs to falling [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Pryss-creature]Prysses[/url] [*][b]Swoopie[/b] - Off-duty time or shore leave, where some like to take joyrides on swoop bikes [*][b]Zapper[/b] - An interrogation specialist; commonly believed to use electroshock devices to extract information [*][b]Pre-vol[/b] - Short for pre-volunteered; describes those sent on dangerous missions without prior notice [*][b]Monkey[/b] - A Human or near-human [*][b]Besh Senth[/b] - Acronym for backstabber; a poor team player who lets their squadmates down in battle [*][b]Mace windowed[/b] - A traitor executed by ejecting out of the airlock [*][b]Immuun[/b] - An enemy that should be left alive; often Imperial-aligned Muuns that are captured for ransom [*][b]Corusent[/b] - Portmanteau for Coruscant sent; someone hailing from the Core worlds [*][b]Alderaan vacation[/b] - An extremely dangerous mission [*][b]Chase the Chiss[/b] - Doing something meaningless, like looking for blue-skinned near-Humans in the Unknown Region [*][b]Tarkin[/b] - A strict (and often disliked) commander [*][b]AHU[/b] ([i]All Hoth'd Up[/i]) - When a situation turns out very bad; like the Rebel Alliance's near defeat on the ice planet [*][b]Plasts[/b] - Imperial troops; refers to their plastoid equipment [*][b]Rusties[/b] - Veterans from CIS-era Scarlet Moons [*][b]Propapander[/b] - An idealist that actually believes in propaganda [/list] [/hider]