Here is my CS GM bud Mr. Stank [hider=CS] [CENTER][SUB][COLOR=cecece][img][/img] ◄ 26 ▎ MALE ▎ 6'0 ►[/COLOR][/SUB][/CENTER] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]A P P E A R A N C E[/COLOR][/SUB][hr] [hider=Flight Suit][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]P R O F I L E[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] Lancer is fierce, but a balanced warrior who enjoys combating worthy opponents, but at his core, he believes in justice and is easy to get along with. He was an agreeable youth acting out the role of one gentle in disposition yet strong in body. He has a playful attitude and takes a very carefree approach to life, but is quick to work himself into a frenzy during a heated battle. He has been known as a brave, compassionate, and likable young man. He mercilessly kills his enemies on the battlefield, but respects faith and has the nobility to never once break a promise he makes. He enjoys fishing, hunting, and hitting on cute girls. He is a proud soldier, someone who can't abandon a fight just because he's losing. He's dangerously ready to fight until the end, for the sake of his fighting will and also for his organization. He easily loses his cool, especially to insults calling him a dog. He's not interested in killing innocent people, though he still strictly follows the rules of the war to kill those who are ordered to the line. He's very keen on his mission and somehow professional in his "work". He's noble and he can't really stand people who're joking with him or simply betraying his trust. He's also easily touched by other's problems and if he chooses to protect someone, he will do his best until the very end, whether he succeeds or not. He really enjoys dating women or simply spending his time doing his relaxing hobbies like fishing. He regretted nothing in his life, though it was one full of wrong turns. There may have been disappointment, but he does not regret his life one bit. His work took away the lives of his loved ones, his close friend and son, but his only regret was that it had been meant to a target he was unsuccessful in killing. Though it is impossible to swap one's life for another, he thinks fighting for a cause that may very well save a nation may allow him to leave the regrets of his previous service. He only has one complaint about this: That he never has any good luck with good women.[/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]D A Y S - G O N E[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] Born on October 19 to a family dedicated to the War-Industrial Complex established in the Vlhakian Kingdom. The youngest of four, most of his family were menial factory workers, producing machines of war for the Kingdom. By his fourth birthday, his family became persona-non-grata due to having knowledge of the weapons and secrets without proper authorization of having this information. Nathaniel was left in his childhood with fond memories of constantly moving, running, and hiding. He could not call the Vlhakian kingdom his home. Nathaniel after coming of age worked hard in public schooling alongside the indigenous peoples of Antrea. As soon as he was old enough to depart from normal schooling and enter one of the Antrean Military Academies, he would do so, both so that he may start off in the right direction to correct the reputation of his family's name, and to keep his remaining family safe and sound. Nothing said that more than learning the trades of a soldier and placing his surviving mother and sister into protected military housing. Nothing else was truly on his mind except graduating with proper certifications. By his 20th birthday, Nathaniel had graduated after diligent studying, trial and error, stress, lapses of judgement, and well-needed encouragement from his family with the certification to pilot military-grade aircraft and to be a properly functioning warfighter. For four years, Nathaniel tagged along with a neutral-territory fighting Private Military Company, 'Providence', a warfighter group operating in the western reaches fighting in neutral or black-labeled areas for resource claims and land grabs for business and nation alike. At age 23, Nathaniel took part in Operation Sledgehammer as an Element of the Providence task force for a PMC-Vlhakian joint operation, a night task to lethally remove dissenting and seditious individuals from Antrean settlement. The operation went without a hitch and was performed well under the cover of night, the targets, however, were undisclosed other than their location. The targets Nathaniel had received, were, unfortunately, a childhood friend from his school years in Antrea, and his newborn son, who was killed due to proximity to the target. Nathaniel was conflicted from the outcome of this operation, which caused him to impulsively lash out and resign from his contracting work, and sate his lust for revenge on those who manipulated him, the Kingdom of Vlhakia. Resigned from Providence, he decided to join the Antrean military, and push back against such a horrible power. Due to his survival on the field, being adept in combat, and having formal military education, Nathaniel found himself at the age of 24 in service for the AADF, and at age 26 finding himself as a Captain in the Antrean Air Defense Force performing both roles as a pilot and theater tactician. [/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]M E M O R I E S[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] [hider=Family]Franklin Rose - Father - A factory worker who worked hard to support the family while he was still alive. Anastasia Rose - Mother - A wonderful woman who has imparted a large amount of knowledge and morals with Nathaniel. Sophia Rose - Sister - The second youngest of four, a great friend as well as sister, timid, but homeworthy. Rupert Rose - Brother - The eldest of four, a machine worker who was executed due to accusations of espionage. Bradamante Rose - Brother - The second oldest of four, also a machine worker executed due to seditious accusations.[/hider] [hider=Childhood]Diethardt Brasen - Friend - Grew up with Nathaniel in school, close friends who helped each other out of sticky situations. Currently deceased.[/hider] [/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]S K I L L S[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] Gifted(+5): Dogfighting - Multirole , Military Science Adept(+4): Marksmanship, Firearms, SERE Average(+3): Crafting, Perception, Persuade Novice(+2): Stealth, Breaking-and-Entering, Pickpocket, Foreign Language Languages: Antrean - Fluent Vlhakian - Semi-Literate Delrosian - Working Knowledge [/color] [SUB][COLOR=cecece]A I R - C R A F T[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=a8a8a8] [hider= F-14D Super Tomcat - MULTI-ROLE Class] [img][/img] 20mm, LRAAM A large carrier-based fighter that can carry long-range anti-air missiles. Its automatic variable wings allow for superior combat at all speeds and altitudes. Its unofficial nickname, "Super Tomcat," is derived from the A-model.[/hider][/color] [hider= Tail sigil][img][/img][/hider][/hider]