"Rangers?" Jay asked with a small tilt of the head, "Are they the same thing as the Hunter Rangers? Crossbows and silent attacks?" He tilted his head slightly before he listened more. "Thank you for promising you won't tell anyone." Jay said with a small smile, he moved to grab the report handed to him quietly. "Wyf, do not eat this paper." He said to his Catvern, who only growled at the idea. Jay moved to flick over the report, before moving to lean against the desk and read it slowly. "Dark energy echoing from the...." He mumbled out loud as he read, "Hunters seen without their pendants or badges..." His eyebrows furrowed, "Hunters don't go around without either of those things." Wyf gave a small laugh before she nipped gently at his ears. [i]"Says the man who left his Pendant on his table!"[/i] Jay stammered over his words, "T-The pendant... H...Hurts me." He said shakily before he went back to reading the report. Jay closed the report and placed it on the desk with a small sigh. He moved his hands over his face with a grumble. "It matches... some of my reports. Others have been more violent; less like a disappearance more like a slaughter." He frowned slightly. [hr] Vex nodded slightly at his words, "My... Skills?" She asked, "I... I know some of the stuff I can do. The Hunters stopped me from practicing." She continued with a small shrug. "I'd love to learn!" "I'm sorry that you lost him." Vex started with a sigh, "The Hunter's can be asses. There was a small Dusk Fae... grouping, not exactly a village, but they were friendly, absolutely the opposite of hostile. And they wiped them out." She sighed slightly. "I... Don't remember when I lost control the first time." She said with a sigh, "I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that!" She stopped before she moved to grab Zion's hand. "I promise to learn from you the best I can." She said, staring into his eyes, her eyes a deep purple. "I have been stuck with the Hunters for too long; I want to help our kind. I want... Peace."