Longstrider strike her chin as she ordered her guards to take the body away for sake keeping. She just sighed and looked towards you. “A likely story, however we still have no proof that the cultists have allied with the troglodytes. The trogs do not need a particular reason to have anyone down here killed, friend or foe, and without more proof all this deadman proves is that he was a victim of the trog’s hospitality. I would suggest you go out and find more evidence, Sylvia, if you intend to build a stronger case.” One of the guardsmen came over to whisper something to Longstrider as she sighed again and headed back to the stone building. “I must leave. Rest if you must, but do not be idle. There are still many battles to be fought.” Longstrider would leave, allowing the group to rest. It doesn’t seem like Shor or Skinwalker’s team came back from their mission, however during your rest a kobold scout who was with Skinwalker finds you and reports an update about the situation at the Toxin Croak. The scouts have spotted their leader, a purple troglodyte with magic powers, and they were mobilizing east. It seems like they’re going to go aid the Black Claw tribe. The scouts have put hazards in the way to slow them down, but the scout urges that you leave as soon as you can and try to deal with the trib before they reach the Black Claw and overwhelm Shor and his party. Hearing this news Shortfang loads a crossbow bolt for his light and hand crossbow. “We attack chief en route! They never see it coming. Take out chief and whole tribe break like Jabrani. Save Shor, than go fight Black Claw!” Pylia was mending the damage to her shield when she suggested her idea. “We should Attack their base instead, that will give us a chance to grab anything useful, and when the word reaches the trogs that their home is under attack they’ll abandon their allies to defend their home anyways. Plus if they sent their warriors to aid the Black Claw, then that means there shouldn’t be too many guarding their home.”