Sylvia nodded. She definitely intended to find more evidence and piece together the situation. She let the kobolds take the body for safe-keeping. After Longstrider left, Sylvia took some time in their rest to meditate. She figured she was going to need all of her ki for the coming battle. After she was done, a kobold scout came back and reported the news of the trogs' activities. She listened to both Shortfang and Pylia and took a moment to think on it. After doing so, she answered the both of them with her thoughts, "If we attack the base, the trogs might not care, or the news wouldn't get to them in time to help Shor and the others. Getting rid of their leader would be more effective. The Kobolds have given us a chance by slowing them down, so we need to take this opportunity," She then stood up, ready to leave, and she told them, "Let's try and ambush the Toxin Croak while they're en route. We'll have the element of surprise on our side this time,"