[Center][H1]The Glandrathar Forest[/H1][/Center] [Center][Img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/cab95f27-f299-42fc-b4a8-8a7a9d52a9aa.jpg[/Img][/Center] From the shores of the Cherafir River, which runs the forest’s western edge it appears nothing but the scene of a beautiful painting full of life and enshrouded in shadow. In essence, that is exactly what it is. Old growth timber, perhaps not the oldest in the land but certainly sustained nevertheless. It is home to babbling brooks, rolling streams, poorly worn game trails, and perfect for an exhausting hike to the other side with relative ease. Predator and prey function as they do everywhere boasting coyotes, smaller bear species, the occasional nightblood and a slew of other forest predatory species to combat the populations of rabbits, squirrels, and deer. This temperate forest is quite common throughout Errandil with the trees being primarily deciduous, characterized by tall, broad-leafed, hardwood trees that shed brilliantly colored leaves each fall. These forests experience varied temperatures and four seasons, although winters in this area do not often bring below freezing temperatures but the summer does bring higher heat and humidity. Rainfall also varies, averaging 30 to 60 inches annually, allowing for soils that are well developed and rich in organic matter. They also provide habitat for a wide variety of smaller mammal species, including squirrels, raccoons, deer, coyotes and black bear and many bird species, including woodpeckers, owls, and hawks. Animal products are in fact some of the most prominent exploits from those who choose to forage in these woods. Animal bones make perfect arrow shafts, their pelts for various clothing options and of course their meat for sustenance. Of course, for the vegetarian aspects of one’s diet some fruits, vegetables, and spices are able to be found here as well. It is the typical picture-esque profile of a forest ecosystem. However, moreso amongst the Glandrathar Forest than any other is the density of the population of the true forest or wild elves. It is true that elves do exist beyond the borders of any wood but it is quite rare. The Glandrathar wild elves protect the wood as with any other woodland realm, if only more lackadaisical. That is to say, they will allow outsiders to enter the forest and partake in the woods bounty; but abuse of that ability is when the wild elves will enforce their version of justice upon the guilty. Their villages are not seen to directly alter the environment, but their presence is often noted when large hunting parties or gatherings of what they as hostiles move through the forest.