[color=silver]Much to Duncan’s pleasant surprise, the drawer wasn’t locked. It opened with a simple tug, revealing a remote controller of some sort. From what he could tell, it might’ve been for a car. Perhaps even their car? If so, man, someone was definitely leaving things for them on purpose. But... why? Pebs arrived with the speaker before Duncan could think on that any further. He gave her a quick thanks, then started to try and put it back to its supposed place. As he did, he saw Pebs pick up the controller and echo his thoughts on its purpose. [color=0099aa]“I’d guess so. Only one way to find out though, yeah?” [/color]Seeing her move towards the plant to examine it instead, he added: [color=0099aa]“Want me to give the car a spin after I’m done with this?”[/color][/color] [right][sup=1][@Typical], [@Alamantus][/sup][/right]